Yoshihiro SD is a T-Spin setup involving an T-Spin Mini Single that leads into a T-Spin Double.
Note, on Tetris Friends, and modern Tetris Guideline games released after 2007, T-Spin Minis do contribute to back-to-back chain but will not send lines. It will not even send lines if it is back-to-back, such as doing a Tetris before a T-Spin Mini. Therefore, Yoshihiro SD is a deprecated strategy suited to older games like Tetris DS.
General tips
- Timing - Practice making the T-spins with consecutive tetrominoes to send garbage in big clumps whenever possible. Try holding the first T tetromino in the hold box while you wait for the second. Then make both T-spins very quickly. This is good to keep in mind but can't always be done.
Situational setups
Base setup
Filling the gap
Line clear method
Platform method
T-Spin Single method
Creating the overhang
T-Spin Mini Single
T-Spin Double
Reverse Yoshihiro
This is usually more effective than JT/TL T-Spin Triple because while both setups require 2 T-pieces, the Yoshihiro sends 1 extra line of garbage and doesn't leave an overhang behind.
SD Tetris
The benefit of this setup is that it requires very little foresight. At any time during the setup, you can abandon the entire thing and focus on tetrising or clearing garbage. The completed setup sends 12 lines of garbage to the other player, and should require around 20 tetriminos from start to finish. It is recommended that you try this only if you get a J or L piece very early in the game.
Possible setups
Continuing from the left diagram above. Soft drop a T on the left side of the playing field, then as soon as it lands rotate it like shown for a T-spin single. Make sure to rotate the T before it locks into place. After the bottom row clears you'll see that a T-spin double formation is set up. While waiting on your next T-piece you can fill things up in preparation for a finishing tetris.
Possible continuation
And a Tetris
T-Spin Single Double Double Triple
This can be used as an alternative to T-spin Double Double Double Triple in the scenario when an I piece doesn't come early enough. In this situation the I can come as the 7th piece (but you still need a J or L fairly early). Watch out for the 2nd S piece when setting up this particular way (Z if reversed), and make sure you hold it, even if it means using the 2nd T piece for a T-spin single. There can be some variations in the setup, and it just takes practice to learn them.
Shown after the first 2 T-spins. Here you want to hold onto a J piece if possible.
T-spin double
Now the J, and a T-spin triple
Yoshihiro + Super T-Spin Double
When you find yourself in this situation after the Yoshihiro, try a STSD.
T-Spin Double replacements
T-Spin Triple
Imperial Crossing
Ranged Yoshihiro
Range 3
Range 4
Follow ups
Yoshihiro ST Arrow
Bailing out
J Base TSD
Imperial TSS / TSD-TSS
Pre-Yoshihiro Kaidan