A scene from Downtown no Gottsu Ee Kanji episode 206.[1]
As reported by an interview on Arika's website[2], Ichiro Mihara was inspired to create a Tetris game after watching the Japanese variety show Downtown no Gottsu Ee Kanji[3] (ダウンタウンのごっつええ感じ, roughly "Downtown's Feeling Real Good"). Contestants would sometimes compete in the game Super Tetris 3. The versus mechanics of this game are pretty basic, and Mihara thought he could make something better. Arika then developed a prototype Tetris game featuring items, PaRappa the Rapper-like characters, and flashy effects. After being shown this game, the show's producers rejected it on the grounds that "the appeal of Tetris lies in its elegant simplicity and it might be better without the addition of waste elements." However, as luck would have it, before a revised prototype could be made the show was cancelled. 6 months later, this feedback still on his mind, Mihara was inspired to develop a minimalist Tetris arcade game that became the TGM series. While the original prototype versus game has never been shared with the public, the core versus mechanics were reused for the TGM series' versus mode. Because of this unique heritage, TGM has a rich and exciting (if complicated) versus system despite primarily being a simple and polished single player game.
The biggest distinguishing feature is the 100% deterministic tactical garbage system, which gives players full control over what garbage is sent to their opponent. Players receive identical piece sequences using the TGM randomizer, further reducing random factors.
It also features a large number of items, which come in attack, defense, and neutral varieties. In addition to item effects, attack items will also destroy an opponent's active piece, allowing deliberate piece sniping as a mechanic. The items, often criticized by new players as being overpowered and unfair, have a surprising amount of depth to them and their impact can be mitigated or amplified in the hands of an experienced player. While they do introduce a degree of randomness, there is a system to the randomness that makes it more balanced than it may at first seem.
The pace of matches is slower than many popular versus Tetris games, due to ARE and a long line clear delay. Despite this, popular modes with 20G such as T.A. Death and Shirase are so difficult that players are at risk damaging their board just as much as their opponent is.
These elements combine to place a focus on dynamic interactions between players rather than a tug of war over raw speed. Screen reading is required for high level play, with important examples including:
sniping a valuable piece or item block
reading which columns your opponent is vulnerable to garbage in
reading where your opponent is about to send you garbage so you can keep those columns stacked low
timing item activation for maximum effect
stacking in a way that minimizes the damage your opponent's item will cause
In order to keep games relatively short, there is a time limit of 2 minutes and 40 seconds per round as well as a level goal of 200. Players play up to 3 rounds in a "first to 2" format. The time limit/level goal and number of rounds may be modified in the service menu. There are 3 possible win conditions:
you kill your opponent
you reach the level goal first
the time runs out and you are closest to the level goal
In the event of a tie, there is a defending player advantage (ie. to the player who was playing before a challenger came). If the players reach the level goal on the same frame, the defending player is declared the winner. If they are tied for levels when the timer runs out, the defending player is declared the winner. If both players die on the same frame, a draw is declared and both players get a point. However if this provides the winning point to both players, the defending player will be declared winner of the set.
Tactical Garbage
Singles send no garbage. Line clears that activate items send no garbage. Everything else sends 100% deterministic garbage following simple rules: Take the line clear, erase the clearing piece, and send it vertically flipped to your opponent (compare this with Bloxeed which is similar but does not flip the garbage hole). To illustrate this, see how the line clears (left) create the final garbage pattern (right):
Note that if your line clear results in a perfect clear, you will double your attack power by sending the same garbage pattern to your opponent twice. Since TGM does not use the 7-bag randomizer, perfect clear openers aren't a viable tactic and in general perfect clears almost never happen.
There is a limit to how much garbage can be queued up to attack your opponent. The first 8 lines will be sent, and anything beyond that will do nothing. This is extremely unlikely to occur unless your opponent is stalling at low gravity, or you do something ridiculous like combo into a Tetris perfect clear.
There is also a limit to how high your stack is. If garbage pushes your stack above row 21, anything that would otherwise have occupied rows 22+ is forgotten. If you manage to clear lines and lower your stack again you will find that these spaces are now empty.
Garbage Efficiency
The strategy for maximizing the amount of garbage you send per piece is relatively simple. You should avoid singles, even while downstacking, as much as possible. There is an exception to the no-singles rule. The line clear that activates an item does not send garbage. To keep garbage efficiency as high as possible, the best strategy is to activate items with singles. If you do take a larger line clear while activating an item, it should either be because you either really need it for downstacking or else that the timing of the item activation is tactically powerful. See the item section and sniping for some opportunities.
Situationally, there are exceptions where you might want to trade garbage efficiency for something even better. Examples of high value singles could include:
There is no specific bonus for a Tetris, T-spin, or combo. They are all equally efficient in terms of sending garbage lines. Despite the slow line clear animation, it is generally favorable to clear doubles, while mixing up the columns as much as possible. The extra inconvenience to your opponent in downstacking more than makes up for the line clear animations you suffer. The reason doubles are preferred over other line clears is that you can do more mix ups per unit of material on the screen. Given 6 lines of material, 3 doubles can mix up over 3 different locations whereas 2 triples can only mix up over 2 locations.
Consider the trivial hole from a Tetris:
Now compare it to the damage dealt by 2 skim doubles:
The above illustrates the effect of a small mix up, spread over 3 nearby columns. More generally, if you can clear doubles in a faraway column, it will be even more powerful. It's worth making an effort to spread your doubles around as long as you don't sacrifice your board stability or too much speed. Mix ups are extremely improvisational, an intuitive sense for the opportunities is more effective than memorizing setups.
Tier List
The different possible clears and their corresponding garbage patterns have emergent value depending on their mix up potential and how annoying they are to deal with. Garbage patterns are better if they:
Allow you to do more mix-ups per line cleared.
Force your opponent to make multiple line clears to dig through them.
Force your opponent to upstack to maintain garbage efficiency, or else clear singles.
Force your opponent to avoid overstacking in as many columns as possible.
Note that while a T-spin is perfectly fine for this, it is not required. Simple T-doubles are just as effective.
Being a double, it has great mix up potential. It is also powerful because the hole shape needs at least 2 separate line clears to dig through, and both times the opponent will need to upstack if they want to maintain garbage efficiency by converting it into a double. The player must also be careful about overstacking in 3 columns.
A Tier
This garbage has most of the advantages of the T-double, with mix-up potential of doubles and a jagged shape requiring 2 clears both of which require upstacking to maintain garbage efficiency. Unlike with S-tier, your opponent only has to worry about overstacking in 2 columns.
B Tier
This garbage has most of the advantages of A-tier, but as a triple there is less opportunity for mix ups. The jagged shape still requires 2 line clears, but a double is directly available meaning that upstacking is only required in 1 of the 2 line clears to maintain garbage efficiency. Your opponent again only has to worry about overstacking in 2 columns.
C Tier
This garbage has the mix up potential of doubles, which is nice. They have a big drawback in that the hole shape can be filled with 1 line clear, using the L and J kicks shown below. These kicks also only require being mindful of overstacking in 2 columns.
D Tier
While these clears are useful for mix-ups, they again have the big drawback of being cleared in 1 line clear without upstacking. Additionally they give your opponent some flexibility in managing which overstacking to avoid. One option is to avoid it in the 3 columns above the hole. Though more advanced players can clear it keeping just 2 columns clear using the L and J kicks shown below.
E Tier
These holes can be handled in 1 line clear without upstacking, but this time they only need your opponent to be mindful of overstacking in 1 or 2 columns. Since it is weak in isolation, this garbage is best used as part of a mix up. Situationally, the O double can be decent in openers to disarm your opponent's Tetris hole. However, since good opponents will not go for a Tetris hole opening this counter has low value.
F Tier
These are clears you want to avoid in most situations. They are easily countered with 1 line clear and no upstacking, and only require avoiding overstacking in 1 column. If they have any place at all it is to apply pressure to an opponent who is near death. Be warned that a 180° field can potentially bounce this this back to you as strong counter pressure. Only recommended as a killing blow or when you are desperate to downstack. If you have space to spare and your opponent sends you this garbage, you may want to convert it to L or J triples if it's convenient.
Item System
At the start of each round you begin with an empty item meter in the center of the screen. With each piece that spawns on your screen, the meter will charge up slightly. After 20 pieces, the meter will be fully charged and the 21st piece will be a randomly selected item. Clearing a line which contains an item piece will activate the item's ability. The game will continue to cycle like this, 20 non-item pieces followed by an item piece, until the round ends. Note, however, that while you are attacking your opponent with an attack item, none of your piece spawns with charge your meter until the attack is completed.
Both players start each round with their own bag containing one of each item. Items are randomly drawn (according to their probability weighting) without replacement. On default settings with a level cap of 200 a player will empty less than half of their item bag, making some items extremely rarely seen. Before any items are dealt, the sum of the weights of the bag add up to 1970. So the probability of getting a Color Block as your first item is 250/1970, whereas getting a Nega Field is 250 times rarer. As the bag gets emptied of heavily weighted items, rare items become more probable. Most matches will open with relatively benign items, ramping up slowly with defense items more common in the mid game, and with the most overpowered items only making an appearance near the end of the 200 levels if at all.
TAP Item Summary
Item Name
Initial Probability
Color Block
↑ Del Field
Del Even
Mirror Block
Roll Roll
180° Field
↓ Del Field
Death Block
Hard Block
→ Mov Field
Dark Block
Exchg Field
← Mov Field
Nega Field
If you neglect to activate an item for 20 pieces so that the meter fills again and another item spawns, it is possible to have more than one item block on your screen. In the case where there are multiple item blocks in the same line clear, the highest item mino in the clear is the one that is activated. If there are several items in this same highest row, the rightmost will be activated. Note that the moment you activate an item all other item blocks on your screen will turn into regular blocks. This includes items blocks that are in your next piece preview but which have not yet spawned. Therefore, if you want to spike item activations, you should activate the first item when the meter is 19/20 pieces full. Note that since the item meter does not charge while an attack item is active, you will place several pieces before you can complete the last charge of the meter and send a second attack.
In TGM3, there is another way to lose an item: when you Hold an item block, it will turn into an ordinary piece.
Screen Reading
If you screen read your opponent and notice they have stacked a particular column too high, you can harass them.
Player 1 has stacked high in column 1, whereas Player 2 has kept a flat stack to keep options open.
Player 2 can screen read and harass them by clearing lines in column 1.
Player 1 is now seriously overstacking their garbage and it will take a while to downstack though it.
If you see your opponent building up to a line clear, especially something telegraphed well in advance like a Tetris, then you can anticipate where your garbage will come from. By leaving those columns accessible, you can immediately send the garbage back to them. This is especially true if you are playing slightly slower than your opponent. Since both players receive the same piece sequence, you will literally get the I piece immediately after your opponent clears a Tetris.
Player 2 is waiting to see what Player 1 is up to before committing to a placement.
Looks like Player 1 will send lines on the right. Player 2 decides to stack for a double while leaving columns 9 and 10 otherwise open.
Still 2 pieces behind, Player 2 is ready to send a double while Player 1 is sending a Tetris.
2 pieces later, Player 2 is poised to send the Tetris right back to Player 1.
Player 2 is now at a superior advantage despite playing slower. They have the option to continue pressing with Tetrises or a laser item would already be particularly devastating.
If your opponent is good enough to screen read, you can mess with them by defying their expectations. For example, you can choreograph a buildup to a Tetris hole on the right, only to plug it and clear a double elsewhere on your screen.
Player 1 sees a Tetris or possibly some skim doubles coming, and has left a 2-wide open on the right to counter.
Player 2 goes out of their way to mix up to the center columns.
Player 1 was not expecting the center garbage.
Baited, outsmarted, and outplayed, Player 1's double sends impotent garbage that Player 2 is already well positioned to handle.
Piece Sniping
When you activate an attack item (or Exchange Field), the defending player's active item will be destroyed. If they are in ARE instead of active time, no piece will be destroyed. If you see a juicy target in the next piece that you want to snipe, such as a piece with a dependency or an item block, there is a timing game to get it just right. If the defending player is playing quickly, you may only have a relatively short window of ~10 frames to time the snipe.
As the attacker, your goal is for the end of your line clear animation to happen soon after the defending player's piece spawns. Assuming your opponent is skilled, they should be able to place a piece using just 10 frames of active time. So the illustrated timelines below show the delays, in frames, of the various game phases of the game loop (Active ➜ Line Clear ➜ ARE ➜ Active) and the timing the attacker needs to use to hit the middle of an assumed active time window of 10 frame. Since the defending player may or may not have a line clear, and this makes a big difference in snipe timing, both situations must be analyzed for each mode.
For Master mode, if the defending player is clearing a line you want to activate your item about half a second after they lock their piece.
Master Mode - Defender with Line Clear
Line Clear (40)
ARE (27)
Active (~10)
Wait (~32)
Line Clear (40)
By contrast, if they are not clearing a line you want to be locking ~1/10 of a second before they lock their piece. If your opponent is oblivious to the threat of a snipe and is maintaining a predictable rhythm. this is doable. But it's also vulnerable to a fake-out if they delay their piece locking. In fact, as a defender with a valuable snipe target in the next piece, you should deliberately not clear a line with the preceding piece so that you can exercise this fake-out option. The attacker will have to blindly guess your piece locking timing to successfully snipe, all but guaranteeing the safety of your next piece.
Master Mode - Defender without Line Clear
Active (~7)
ARE (27)
Active (~10)
Line (40)
In Death mode, line clear delay is so small that the attacking player should time their snipe very shortly after the defender has locked their piece, regardless of whether they are clearing lines or not.
Death Mode - Defender with Line Clear
Line (12)
ARE (14)
Active (~10)
Wait (~19)
Line (12)
Death Mode - Defender without Line Clear
ARE (18)
Active (~10)
Wait (~11)
Line (12)
If you are trying to defend a snipe in Death Mode, you can try to lock with unpredictable timing to fake out your opponent. The forced game speed is so fast the attacker will have few options to adapt to the weird timing.
Note that if a snipe that is timed to the exact frame a defending player locks their piece, there is a bug-like behaviour where the snipe gets carried over to the next piece instead. The very frame this next piece spawns, it will be sniped. This can be long after you might expect, since it happens after the attack animation / line clear delay / ARE have all finished. It can be very surprising and is especially disorienting in Death Mode since it means you are dealt a piece blindly and can't plan the appropriate IRS.
Attack Items
Attack items have several universal effects in addition to their individual item gimmicks. When you activate an item, it destroys your opponent's active piece (assuming they are not in the middle of ARE). This is especially useful if you tactically snipe an important piece from your opponent. Attack items also show a cut-in animation on your opponent's side, delaying them for a moment. This is particularly valuable in high speed matches like T.A. Death where it buys you a few pieces of time free from attacks from your opponent. These properties turn even the weakest attack item into something which is useful.
There is one drawback to activating an item: while your attack is active, your item meter will not charge (though your opponent's meter will). The duration of this active time is something that varies on an item by item basis. It is always at least as long as the cut-in animation, but it can be longer. For example, with Transform, Roll Roll, you do not charge meter until your opponent has placed all 3 pieces. With Mirror Block you do not charge meter until all 3 reflections have animated. Inconsistently, with Death Block and Hard Block your meter will be able to charge the moment the cut-in animation ends.
This same Attack Item "active time" will delay the activation of defense or neutral items until after the attack is complete. Don't overlook the usefulness of this trivia. It can make even the humble Color Block deny a ↑ Del Field at top board. And if you're brave enough, you can even set up instant kills using Exchange Field [4][5].
Color Block
This item will shimmer your opponent's stack different colors briefly. Even beginners are not intimidated by this item, so it is unlikely to slow your opponent down beyond the cut-in animation's effects. To maximize this item's impact, it is best to deliberately snipe an important piece, otherwise it essentially does nothing.
The Laser is unique among attack items for not really having an a true cut-in animation. Instead, a pulsating target will appear at the top of a column. After a brief delay, the targeted column will be completely cleared. If the player's stack is high on the screen it can be particularly devastating.
Watch out for your opponent getting items such as Mov Field which will undo the Laser damage. In this case, it is better to activate Laser after the Mov Field has been activated.
The damage may be amplified by making sure your opponent's stack is as high as possible. This means converting your existing screen material, particularly a tetris or triple, to garbage before activating the Laser. Likewise, if the receiving player has some line clears set up you will benefit from activating the Laser before they have a chance to clear them.
Another possibly devastating amplification is use the Laser to snipe the I piece, with the Laser hole creating a dependency on the I piece while it is in the randomizer's piece history and unlikely to appear for at least 4 pieces. Note that you can force the Laser to target the middle of the screen with excellent timing, as explained below, by making sure to snipe a piece right as it spawns.
These amplifications should be used with caution if your opponent is screen watching, as it gives them extra time to prepare (also explained below).
While the Laser is notorious among beginners as an item that will kill them quickly and unfairly, the defending player actually has a huge amount of control over it. The targeted column can be controlled. It is the leftmost column of the piece that was sniped, or else the leftmost column of the most recently placed piece. It is therefore really important for defenders to screenwatch their opponent, and to align their piece over a favorable column.
This player, oblivious to an incoming Laser, tries to stack left. They are punished, and the Laser hole will likely be their death.
This player has reacted to the incoming Laser, and moved the piece over their highest hole. The Laser opens up this hole, and they are in a reasonable position to survive.
As an attacker, if your opponent is advanced enough to screenwatch you and react, counterplays become possible.
This player has reacted to the incoming Laser, and moved the piece over their highest hole. However, the attacker saw this, and held off activating the Laser. Instead, they timed it to snipe the following piece before it could be moved, causing devastating damage to the stack.
Once the column has been targeted, the Laser can be further influenced. There is an 80 frame window where you can mash left or right to nudge the Laser horizontally. For every 3 taps in a certain direction, the laser will move 1 column in that direction. To successfully tap, there must be an "off" frame to distinguish the separate presses, so ~30Hz would be the maximum theoretical rate. A practiced player should be able to move the Laser 1-2 columns without trouble, or 3 if they are very good. Perhaps Takahashi Meijin would be able to move it 6 columns.
This player has just done a T-spin, and a Laser was activated during their ARE. Instead of taking the Laser in column 3, they mashed left 6+ times which nudged it over to column 1, creating a much more favorable position.
There is a final way in which the Laser can be manipulated. During the 80 frame period, you can mash the A, B and C buttons to widen the Laser to 2 or more columns. For every 10 presses, the Laser will widen by 1 column. Note that this button mashing is possible at ~60Hz since you can alternate buttons. The easiest technique is to piano roll CBA in a tight loop. The center of the Laser does not change, but it will grow outwards alternating right-left-right-left. During this same time, the attacking player can mash CBA as well, and for every 15 presses, they will prevent one unit of widening of the Laser. Pick your battles carefully as it's not always best to fight over the Laser width. You could otherwise place ~2 pieces during those 80 frames, which is useful for sending garbage and downstacking.
This player has just done a T-spin, and a Laser was activated during their ARE. Instead of taking the Laser in column 3, they mashed CBA 7-9 times widening the Laser over columns 2-4 and creating a much more favorable position.
Note that it is possible to simultaneously move and widen the Laser if you are dexterous enough to mash directions and rotations at the same time.
The Transform item makes it so that when you rotate a piece, it randomly transforms into one of the 7 piece types. It is only affected by rotations that happen during Active Time, meaning that IRS rotations will not transform the piece. This gives you access to 3 of the 4 possible piece orientations. An opponent caught off guard may waste a lot of time switching through different pieces until they get a reasonable match, but for a strong player it won't even slow them down.
It should be noted that as you switch through the random pieces the rotation state is preserved. This means S, Z, and O pieces (with 2, 2, and 1 visible rotation states respectively) actually have a full 4 rotation states. How the different pieces line up with each other as they transform can be seen by looking at the columns of the basic rotation table below.
The order of operations is to transform a piece and then attempt to perform the rotation on the piece. There is a certain logic to this process that adds a degree of predictability:
If the pre-transformed piece cannot be rotated, then no rotation or transformation happens.
Before any rotations are applied, the transformation picks a candidate piece from the 7 piece types in a pure random way. It attempts to spawn the chosen piece, similar to jumping from one piece to another in a single column of the above rotation table. Notably, in trying to fit the candidate transformed piece the game will apply ARS wallkicks during this spawn process. If this fails to find room for the candidate piece, the transformation is aborted and the piece stays untransformed. Otherwise the piece is transformed, with the position shifted according to any kicks.
Finally, the rotation is processed applying any ARS kicks if applicable. If the piece transformed but the new piece type cannot rotate, the transformed piece simply stays in place without rotating. If the transformation spawn did a kick and the rotation also did a kick, it is possible that the piece kicked twice in one frame.
For a piece rotating freely in the air that logic does not matter, but on the ground or against a wall there are some emergent patterns from this system.
It is possible to force an I piece transform in low gravity. Since the original piece must be able to rotate for anything to happen, and a vertical I piece against a wall cannot rotate, then DAS'ing a piece to the wall and repeatedly triggering transforms will eventually get the piece stuck as an I piece unable to transform further. Every 2 rotations there is a 1/7 chance of it becoming a vertical I piece. If you piano roll CBA quickly 4 times, it will cycle through vertical rotation states 6 times and be expected to successfully transform into an I piece ~60% of the time. After mashing CBA 8 times this increases to an 84% success rate.
After DAS'ing to the wall, the player began mashing CBA. After the first third rotation, the piece has transformed into a vertical I piece and all subsequent rotations have no effect. They can repeat this process on the next piece to get a second Tetris, applying some serious pressure to their opponent.
There are also a couple wallkicks which are 100% guaranteed not to transform the piece. Consider this L kick:
All alternative candidate transform pieces will fail (even after considering their kicks) forcing the piece to stay an L piece.
By a similar argument this J kick is guaranteed to work:
There are no other known kicks that are 100% safe. For example, a T-spin will usually work but there is a 1/7 chance of it transforming into an S or Z piece, depending on the rotation direction.
Mirror Block
The Mirror Block attack will flip the player's screen horizontally 3 times, letting the defending player place a piece between each flip. The flipping animation takes time, making this an item that slows down an opponent more than the usual attack item. One thing to be aware of that this item has many implications for mix ups.
If the defending player has several similar-column clears lined up, it gives them access to easy mix ups. With each screen flip, the holes get moved around, giving the potential for as many as 3 mix ups total. In the worst case, 1 mix up is guaranteed since there are an odd numbers of flips. As the attacker you may want to let them cash in their similar column clears before activating the mirror block. This may even bunch up their next downstack double into the same columns as the rest, forcing their downstack to deal with a mix up but giving you relatively simple garbage clears by comparison.
If as the attacking player you have several similar-column clears lined up, it can be worth deliberately sending some of it before the mirror attack and some of it during/afterwards. (Note that all attacks sent during the attack will not be received until it finishes.) With the odd parity of board flips this will result in a mix up.
There are some unusual corner cases with this item. There is a bug where row 21 does not get mirrored. Another unusual situation is that if the defending player gets a perfect clear, the attack will end immediately.
Roll Roll
For 3 pieces, the Roll Roll will turn pieces grey and make them automatically rotate counter-clockwise every 30 frames. The first rotation happens right after the piece spawns. It is not unusual for even experienced players to slow down significantly to avoid a misdrop, and at high speeds it is very likely to cause some damage. Mastering Roll Roll is especially difficult for L, J, and T where there are 4 rotation states. As a memory guide, you can think that Roll Roll will always "send the nub to the right".
Roll Roll is significantly easier when you avoid all clockwise rotations. If you want to place a piece in the clockwise orientation, then instead of rotating clockwise you need 3 counter-clockwise rotations. If you are really fast (0-29 frames) you could place it with A, C, and 1 automatic rotation. If you are slower (30-59 frames) this will over rotate and you should instead do A and 2 automatic rotations. You should be avoiding the slowest placements, but slower still (60-89 frames) you should wait for 3 automatic rotations.
You will need to judge how fast your placement is, and which rotation adjustment is required for that speed. The table below contains all the simplest placements that can be made reasonably fast.
Roll Roll Input Adaptations
Desired Orientation
Placement Time
Roll Roll Adjustment
Note above that there are a few exceptions where the simplest input sequence involves a single clockwise rotation.
The only other time you might want a clockwise rotation is if you need it do to a spin. For example, a clockwise t-spin would be particularly difficult. It is recommended that the second last rotation be an automatic one, so that you have the most time to execute the spin. See below for an example, with automatic rotations indicated by a circle.
This setup is slow, requiring a double tap to get into position. This means there are 2 automatic rotations before the T is in the correct column. The natural instinct would be to do a clockwise rotation to set up the spin.
The clockwise rotation in the setup used too much time, and after the spin was performed an automatic rotation happened as the piece locked into place.
Instead of 1 clockwise rotation you can do 3 counter-clockwise rotations. The player could have performed 2 counter-clockwise rotations manually (with A C) and let the automatic rotation do the final setup.
Now there was a lot of time to execute the spin, and the t-spin was successful.
Despite the name X-Ray, this item operates more like a radar scanner. The defending player's screen will go dark, and it will be illuminated one column at a time from left to right.
While slightly more disruptive than Color Block, the effect is still relatively minor and is unlikely to significantly delay your opponent.
180° Field
This item flips the field over, taking the top non-empty row and swapping it with the bottom row etc. There are opportunities for both attacking and defending players to screenwatch to control the damage. If this item is timed too late when sniping a piece, you can bury your opponent's item block which can be almost as good.
Here an attacking player did not attempt to maximize damage. They activated the 180° Field immediately, sniping the defending player's I piece.
The resulting damage is very minor.
Here the attacking player read the likely vertical I piece placement, and waited for the defending player to place the piece.
The resulting damage is much more severe.
The attacking player should be extra careful: There are also many positions where a defending player would happily accept a 180° Field. In particular note, that the flipping of the screen is guaranteed to open up access to the garbage and it will also convert the most difficult garbage patterns into much easier patterns. This opens up an opportunity for the defending player to damage spike the attacking player.
Here the player is upstacking so that they can downstack with a double. They are at least a few pieces away from doing this.
They now have immediate access to clear doubles, and the holes are much simpler.
The correct play for the attacking player in these situations is to delay the activation of the 180° Field, at least until the defending player already has access a doubles clear. If this double is not a column mix up, you may even want to let them clear it before activating the item and giving them access to a free mix up.
Death Block
This item makes the defending player's next piece extra large, just like in Big Mode. You can maximize your damage by selecting a particularly inconvenient piece. The best choice is a piece that forces your opponent to overstack, allowing you to apply pressure while they are prevented from downstacking.
Here the attacker was not screenwatching and activated the item immediately. The defending player opts to put the big I block horizontal.
The next piece was an O block. The resulting double fully nullifies the Death Block attack and even sends garbage back to the attacker.
Here the attacker was screenwatching and chose not to activate the Death Block on the I piece. Instead they sniped it and activated Death Block on the following O block.
In general, a big I piece is quite easy to clear and a big O piece will force 4 rows of overstacking. Even with a smooth 4-wide surface for the O block, 4 rows of upstacking are quite a lot of pressure. S, Z, L, J, and T pieces can situationally be effective but the defending player's stack shape could give them some good options. To build intuition on which big piece are inconvenient on a certain stack, you should practice Big Mode.
Hard Block
This attack will encase the defending player's next piece in a hard metallic shell. Lines cleared will break the shell, revealing the original block underneath. Any lines which break the shell do not count as lines for the purposes of sending garbage. This means that in addition to causing holes, Hard Block will also hurt garbage efficiency. Attacking players cannot particularly amplify the damage with screenwatching, though you may want to consider delaying activation if it would make an I piece the Hard Block, particularly if there is no good horizontal placement for it. You should watch out for ↑ Del Field which will effectively cancel the Hard Block attack. Note also that line clears from Free Fall will clear any Hard Block minos as if they were normal blocks, completely ignoring their shell.
How you stack the Hard Block is very important. You will suffer less damage with placements that occupy fewer rows.
Here a player treats the Hard Block like any other block.
They clear lots of material while sending 0 lines of garbage. At the same time, they have not made any progress downstacking and have made a huge hole.
Here the player tries to minimize the damage by placing the I piece horizontally, even though this covers their Tetris hole.
The Hard Block still hurt garbage efficiency by forcing 2 singles, in the end this is dramatically better than the alternative.
Another mistake to avoid is partially clearing the Hard Block, filling in the hole, and then clearing more of the Hard Block.
This board is now in a really difficult position, despite picking placements that feel very reasonable had there been no Hard Block.
By contrast, consider what happens when the Hard Block is fully cleared at once.
The board is still uncomfortable, but there is greater hope of returning to a strong position without needing to ruin garbage efficiency or do upstacking.
Dark Block
This is the ultimate form of the cosmetic attacks. The defending player's stack will disappear similar to the m-roll of Master Mode. While more effective than Color Block or X-ray, it is unlikely to cause serious damage against a strong player. It's most effective against a complicated stack shape that will be difficult to remember, however it's probably not going to be worth screenwatching in an attempt to wait for a screen to become unmemorable. Players generally stack pretty flat in VS anyways, so you could be waiting forever.
This item is completely overpowered, but is so rare you are unlikely to see it much in practice. Every row gets one random column selected (1 through 10, pure random), and the location is cleared of blocks. The random column selection is not limited to filled spaces, so if the randomly selected space happens to be empty no damage will be received in that row.
Here severe damage is demonstrated even on a reasonably low stack/
Note that rows 1 and 6 did not receive holes. Empty spaces were randomly selected in those cases.
Nega Field
This item is even more overpowered than Shotgun!, but is also even rarer. For every row up to the highest populated row, every cell with a block changes to a hole and ever cell with a hole changes to a block.
Here severe damage is demonstrated even on a reasonably low stack.
Note that it stopped at row 6. In weird cases where you have some blocks floating above completely empty rows, those empty rows will be converted to lines.[6]
Defensive Items
↑ Del Field
This item will delete the top half of your board (rounded up). It's very useful for getting rid of a Hard Block or Death Block attack, or even a Laser or Nega Field after you accept some garbage. Arguably the most powerful item of its rarity class because of its incredible ability to pull you back from near-death with access to garbage holes giving you good attack options.
If you're winning and want to continue applying pressure, you may want to avoid losing material to ↑ Del Field. In this case it's possible to spike your stack to avoid this.
The player can now send reasonably send 2 doubles to apply a killing blow to their opponent.
But unless you are clearly winning, it is recommended that you save this item as long as possible to maximize your value out of it. The longer you save it, the more garbage your opponent can send you only to be cancelled.
Del Even
This item will clear all even rows. Like most defensive items, you will maximize the value by delaying it's use as long as possible or until you really need it.
If your garbage is focused in a few columns, it will tend to simplify it.
If your garbage has a lot of double mix ups, you will have an awkward collection of single holes and downstacking will be difficult without hurting garbage efficiency.
For this reason, if you know your opponent will send you mix ups you may way to activate this item even when you don't need it, or to skip it entirely.
↓ Del Field
This item will delete the bottom half of your board (rounded up). If you want to maximize the effect of ↓ Del Field, you may want to spike your stack.
Here a player immediately activates the item.
Notice how 3 separate garbage mix ups are still on screen.
Here a player spikes to amplify the item effect.
Notice how only 1 double's worth of garbage is still on screen.
→ Move Field
This item moves all the blocks to the right, leaving the hole on the left. It is a very powerful recovery and allows you to apply strong pressure against your opponent afterwards, though you won't be easily able to mix up. Because of long animation time and the extreme I piece dependency this item causes, it can be very slow to downstack afterwards. The column-aligned garbage is also very vulnerable to being reflected back at you. For this reason it is very important to be extremely aware of every skim available to you as you downstack.
← Move Field
This item moves all the blocks to the left, leaving the hole on the right. It shares all the same risks and opportunities as the → Move Field version, though it's slightly easier to rotate I pieces into the right column at top board.
Neutral Items
Exchange Field
This item swaps the 2 players' playfields. A safe option, if you are clearly losing, is to use the item before your opponent has time to react. Other situations are more complicated as detailed below.
The basic strategy, when your opponent isn't screenwatching, is to wreck your stack before you swap. If you do this, you should make sure to do it in a way that is unlikely to actually put you in immediate danger or risk cutting off access to the item clear.
Note that if the defending player is screenwatching, they also have the option to destroy their own stack in the same way.
These self-destructive strategies are not game theoretically stable. They only really work if one of the two players isn't reacting to the item. Otherwise, the recommended actions are:
Exchange Field Action Map
Attacker Actions
Defender Actions
Hold off on the item and keep sending garbage.
Play normally until the advantage is neutral.
Hold off on the item and keep sending garbage.
Maintain neutrality while still playing as fast as possible. Don't attack your opponent unless they attack you.
Activate the item immediately to take advantage.
Destroy your own board position until the advantage is neutral.
Note that both players should still be playing at their max speed. For example, if the attacker is stalling in the neutral stalemate the counterplay is for the defending player to quickly clear singles to maintain the neutral position while still advancing their level counter. This will allow the defending player to win by level count.
After clearing the Exchange Field item, it will not go through until all currently active items are resolved. If you then stack up to near death as the currently active item resolves, it is possible to set up an unavoidable death.[4][5] This is easiest to set up with items that last for exactly 3 pieces such as Roll Roll or Transform. With good timing you could also set it up with Color Block, X-Ray, or Dark Block. Defense item animations are too fast to let you stack up very much, but a Del Even might give you enough time if your screen is already high. If you try to set this up, be mindful that you can still receive garbage while you are stacking up. So you will want to leave buffer room to accommodate garbage, and spike into the spawn area with your last placement.
This player activates an Exchange Field right as their opponent attacks with Roll Roll.
In this case no garbage was received. But just in case, the player kept the screen low until the 3rd piece, which was spiked into the spawn area. Now this guaranteed-death will be sent to the opponent.
If the defending player has an item block on their field, the behavior is a little surprising. The defending player will "keep" the items on their screen (though those minos will still be sent to the attacker as normal blocks).
Here Player 1 is the defender and has several item blocks on screen, and Player 2 has just activated an Exchange Field.
Note that they kept their items, even though this caused a weird floating Attack item. Also, the Defend item completed a line, and that line didn't clear until the next piece was locked. Placing a Defense item in a location that fills in a line like that can help you recover from everything except a guaranteed lethal Exchange Field attack.
A strange bug occurs if Exchange Field and 180 Field are activated at the same time. The player being attacked by Exchange Field will receive the board as normal, whereas the attacking player will have their old board 180'd instead of receiving their opponent's board. [7]
Free Fall
This item is similar to a Mov Field, except that it drops all blocks and then clears the resulting lines. Assuming this clears 2 or more lines, they will be sent as garbage to your opponent. The garbage takes the form of a single Tetris hole, and the column is selected in a pure random way, with columns 1-10 all being equally likely. Note that Free Fall can effectively neutralize a Hard Block attack: unintuitively any Hard Block minos cleared during a Free Fall will simply clear as if they were normal minos.
This item is best activated after making an effort to balance the amount of material in as many columns as you can. This will maximize the garbage spike, though do remember that the garbage buffer will only hold a maximum of 8 lines.
This player activated the time immediately.
The player sends 3 rows of garbage.
This player holds off on activating the item, taking care to stack higher over garbage hold columns.