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Welcome to Tetris.wiki

The Tetris encyclopedia.

Tetris.wiki is an ad-free knowledge base about all things Tetris. Anyone can edit Tetris.wiki, new users can start collaborating by creating an account. Launched in 2015, it now maintains 513 articles, covering a broad range of topics. All content is licensed CC BY-NC-SA.

Tetris games

Other fan games

Cultris IINullpoMinoShirominoTetra LegendsWorldwide CombosList of fan games

Tetris guides

TGM GuideTGM Versus Mode GuideT-Spin Guide 2-Step Finesse
Methods of play
Cascade modeT-SpinStacking for Tetrises

Tetris reference

General Information
HistoryPeopleCompaniesTetris Guideline
Gameplay OverviewRandomizers
Rotation Systems
SRSARSNintendo Rotation System
Diagram LegendTerm Correspondence
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Years in Tetris
Contents by category
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