Tetris E60

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Tetris E60
Publisher(s)The Tetris Company
ReleaseApril 5, 2023
Gameplay info
Next pieces1
Playfield size10 × 20
Hold pieceNo
Hard dropYes
Rotation systemORS (left-handed)

Tetris E60 is web game released to promote the movie Tetris. It emulates the look of the original Tetris prototype for the Electronika 60 by Alexey Pajitnov.


The game follows the Marathon ruleset, as found in other guideline Tetris games. It can be played with a keyboard, with customizable controls. DAS and ARR are adjustable. The game features a variant of Korobeiniki as BGM.

The marathon mode can only be started at level 1, and follows the same gravity curve as other guideline Tetris games. The level increases every 10 lines.

Pieces lock down instantly upon landing.

Scoring follows the current system for guideline games, including Back-to-Back bonuses, T-spins and combos.

See also

External links