Triple Double Attack, sometimes referred to as Triple Double or TD, is a T-Spin combo that consists of a T-Spin Triple followed by a T-Spin Double. A player performs a T-Spin Triple that leads into a T-Spin Double.
Situational Setups
Refer to T-Spin Triple Overhang Situation Setups
Garbage Hole and Notch
Garbage Manipulation
Place SJ as shown
Stack and create overhang
LZ Variation
TJ Variation
LT Variation
ZL Variation
JS Variation
TL Variation
JT Variation
Shallow Grave
Empty Field Setups
SZT Core
TOJ Core
ZTI Core
Alternative Setups and Transfers
T-Spin Double Replacements
T-Spin Triple
Imperial Cross
More Imperial Cross Setups
External Links