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m fix header level
Axye (talk | contribs)
this page is very long, so moving quick play to a subpage
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=== Quick Play ===
=== Quick Play ===
{{Main|TETR.IO/Quick Play}}
'''Quick Play''' is the main free-for-all room in ''TETR.IO'', aiming to be a more casual, unranked experience, and was revamped in Beta 1.0.0.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://tetr.io/about/patchnotes/#chlog_BETA_1_0_0|title=Beta 1.0.0 Update Log|date=July 26, 2024|website=TETR.IO patch notes}}</ref> The goal of this mode is to climb as high as possible and battle it out in a large free-for-all lobby. Upon being eliminated, players can promptly start a new run without waiting for the game to end. It has two leaderboards that reset weekly: Quick Play and Expert Quick Play (Expert Mode enabled).
'''Quick Play''' is the main free-for-all room in ''TETR.IO'', aiming to be a more casual, unranked experience, and was revamped in Beta 1.0.0.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://tetr.io/about/patchnotes/#chlog_BETA_1_0_0|title=Beta 1.0.0 Update Log|date=July 26, 2024|website=TETR.IO patch notes}}</ref> The goal of this mode is to climb as high as possible and battle it out in a large free-for-all lobby. Upon being eliminated, players can promptly start a new run without waiting for the game to end. It has two leaderboards that reset weekly: Quick Play and Expert Quick Play (Expert Mode enabled).
==== Floors ====
Zenith Tower, the stage of Quick Play, is divided into ten floors by altitude. Reaching a new floor for the first time, other than floors 1 and 10, unlocks a new mod.
{| class="wikitable"
! Floor
! Name
! Height range(m)
| 1
| Hall of Beginnings
| 0&ndash;50
| 2
| The Hotel
| 0&ndash;150
| 3
| The Casino
| 150&ndash;300
| 4
| The Arena
| 300&ndash;450
| 5
| The Museum
| 450&ndash;650
| 6
| Abandoned Offices
| 650&ndash;850
| 7
| The Laboratory
| 850&ndash;1100
| 8
| The Core
| 1100&ndash;1350
| 9
| Corruption
| 1350&ndash;1650
| 10
| Platform of the Gods
| 1650 and above<ref group="QP note">The height of floor 10 is internally set to "1 / 0", which equals infinity.</ref>
==== Climbing ====
[[File:TETRIO climb speed.png|300px|thumb|right|The Climb Speed bar at rank 8.]]
Players climb the Zenith Tower by sending lines and eliminating other players.
Climb Speed is ranked up by sending and cancelling lines, indicated by a progress bar and growing shapes under the board. You start at Climb Speed 1, and there is no upper limit. You climb at +0.25m/s, starting at 0.25m/s, per Climb Speed rank passively.
Sending, but not cancelling lines, will gain bonus altitude, shown as a flashing +NUMBER above your username. Each line sent immediately boosts you by 1 second of your Climb Speed. KOs count as 15 lines, but do not contribute to Climb Speed progress.
Climb Speed decays over time and decays faster at higher ranks. When you gain a rank, this decay will pause for 5 seconds. However, each time you lose and regain the same rank, this shortens by 1 second (down to 1 second). This can be reset back to 5 seconds by reaching 50% to the next rank.
In Expert Mode, Climb Speed decays faster, and cancelling lines does not contribute to Climb Speed progress.
In Duo, both players contribute to the same Climb Speed and altitude, but contribute half as much each.
===== Hyperspeed =====
[[File:TETRIO hyperspeed text.png|300px|thumb|right|The HYPERSPEED text.]]
[[File:TETRIO hyperspeed overlay.png|300px|thumb|right|The HYPERSPEED speedrun overlay with time splits.]]
When you reach a certain Climb Speed rank specific to each floor before reaching floor 6, you enter HYPERSPEED. You must reach a rank of 8 on floors 1 or 2, rank 9 on floors 3 or 4, and rank 10 on floor 5. You cannot enter HYPERSPEED after floor 6. HYPERSPEED ends when you reach floor 10 or fall below Climb Speed rank 7. You cannot enter HYPERSPEED in Duo or any reversed mod.
In HYPERSPEED, a speedrun overlay shows up with the player's progress, the time the player completed each floor, and their best times. The player will also have a glowing rainbow overlay in the leaderboard. Otherwise, HYPERSPEED is cosmetic and does not directly affect climbing.
==== Gameplay changes ====
Quick Play makes some changes to the base gameplay.
B2B Charging Surge starts with an attack of 1 line, instead of 4 lines in other multiplayer modes. All Clears send only 3 lines but add +2 B2B. 0-combo Singles always send 1 line, except in Expert Mode or any reversed mod.<ref group="QP note">This was done to prevent players from receiving garbage without sending any themselves, which could negatively affect Quick Play's balance.</ref>
Garbage messiness is modified from change-on-attack. Each individual line has a certain chance to change columns, known as garbage messiness. Between separate attacks, this chance is multiplied by 2.5x. This means that garbage is not specifically tied to the queue.
When receiving garbage, the lines will wait in queue before becoming active. It first appears a transparent yellow, then transparent red, then opaque red once active. Placing a piece before the lines are active will not cause garbage to enter. Garbage becomes active faster per floor and if the Expert mod is enabled.
==== Fatigue ====
To prevent runs from going on forever, the player receives a debuff every minute starting from 8 minutes up to 12 minutes.<ref group="QP note">There are no further debuffs past 12 minutes, meaning a run can last effectively forever. A few players have attempted such runs which have reached [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7P0PKwz7UA over 30 minutes].</ref> These debuffs stack and last until the player tops out.
{| class="wikitable"
! Time
! Debuff
! Message
| 8 minutes || +2 permanent lines || FATIGUE SETS IN...
| 9 minutes || Receive 25% more garbage || YOUR BODY GROWS WEAK...
| 10 minutes || +3 permanent lines (total 5) || ALL SENSES BLUR TOGETHER...
| 11 minutes || Receive 25% more garbage (total +50%) || YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS FADES...
| 12 minutes || +5 permanent lines (total 10) || THIS IS THE END.
Additionally, at 3, 5, and 7 minutes, your chance of being targeted increases. No message appears for this effect however.
==== Attacking ====
Attacking players in Quick Play is done by sending lines. If an attack causes a player to top out, a KO is attributed to that player's attack. When sending an attack of over 4 lines, it will be split up into separate attacks of up to 4 lines each. Garbage is multiplied the higher up an attack travels, known as "height multiplier".
You cannot change targeting modes or manually target players in Quick Play. Instead, all players have a hidden value that determines how likely they are to be targeted. This value increases over time during a run and is affected by some mods. This value decreases temporarily when receiving garbage.<ref group="QP note">In rare cases, players could send so much garbage that everyone hit a cap and their chance of being targeted hit 0. This would cause any player starting a run to be targeted by everyone in the entire lobby until they were capped out too. This issue was remedied in a hotfix following Beta 1.5.0.</ref> Players also generally target others on the same floor.
==== Windup ====
[[File:TETRIO windup.png|100px|thumb|right|The Windup alert.]]
'''Windup''' is a mechanic that triggers when any individual received attack contains 8 or more garbage lines. When this happens, an alert will appear, and the attack will be split up into portions of 4 lines. It can only be split up to 4 times; the last portion will contain all leftover lines.
When a Windup appears, it takes 1 second for the attack to start coming in, and 0.5 seconds between each split portion. Only one Windup can happen at a time; further attacks are queued until the Windup ends.<ref group="QP note">At very high (6000m+) altitudes, players can receive so many large attacks that they get non-stop Windups queued up faster than they can activate.</ref>
When using the Volatile mod, Windup is triggered ''before'' garbage is doubled. This means that an attack of 15 would enter normally, and an attack of 16 would trigger Windup.
==== Mods ====
Quick Play features a total of 9 mods that can be enabled before starting a run. 8 of them are unlocked by reaching a certain floor, while the Duo mod requires one player to be a ''TETR.IO'' Supporter. Each unlockable mod makes gameplay more difficult, though some also have a potential upside. With the Duo mod, two players play together as one team with each player having their own board. If one tops out, the other can revive them by completing up to 3 random tasks.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width:70%;"
! Mod name
! Effect
! Unlock condition
| No Hold || Disables the ability to hold pieces. || Floor 2
| Messier Garbage || Garbage is significantly messier. || Floor 3
| Gravity || Gravity increases and lock delay decreases per floor. || Floor 4
| Volatile Garbage || Receive and cancel double the normal amount of garbage. || Floor 5
| Double Hole Garbage || Garbage may sometimes spawn with two holes. || Floor 6
| Invisible || Non-garbage blocks become invisible and are shown briefly every 5 seconds. || Floor 7
| All-Spin || Spins with non-T pieces are considered full Spins instead of Mini-Spins.<br>Performing the same clear or Spin twice spawns Wound lines.<br>Action text persists after performing an action. || Floor 8
| Expert Mode || Lowered garbage delay.<br>All garbage lines enter at once instead of rolling in one by one.<br>0-combo Singles no longer send any lines.<br>Cancelling garbage does not contribute to climb speed.<br>Chance of being targeted increases.<br>Garbage is messier. || Floor 9
| Duo || Allows two players to play as a single team. || One player must be a Supporter
===== Wound lines =====
[[File:Tetriowoundline.png|300px|thumb|right|Wound lines on a player's board.]]
'''Wound lines''' are a type of unclearable garbage that spawn when a player performs the same clear or action twice or more in a row with the All-Spin mod enabled. Wound lines consist of blocks that shift colors and display a number indicating how many clears one must perform before they turn into regular garbage. The number of clears required increases with each floor. Wound lines are unaffected by the Volatile Garbage and Double Hole Garbage mods.
===== Reviving =====
[[File:TETRIO revive.png|thumb|300px|A Duo partner awaiting revival.]]
When one player in a Duo tops out, the run isn't over yet. To revive their teammate, the surviving player must complete 1-3 revive tasks. This will clear their board and allow them to keep playing. These revive tasks are grouped into tiers ranging from ''F'' to ''A'' tier:
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Tier !! Task || Notes
| F || Perform a 3-Combo ||
| F || Clear 2 Doubles ||
| F || Clear a Quad ||
| F || Clear 6 Lines ||
| F || Clear a Double using an O-Piece ||
| F || Clear 4 Garbage Lines ||
| F || Clear a Double using an S or Z-Piece ||
| F || Clear a Triple using an L or J-Piece ||
| E || Perform a T-Spin Mini ||
| E || Clear a T-Spin Single ||
| E || Clear a T-Spin Double ||
| E || Clear an S/Z-Spin ||
| E || Clear an L/J-Spin ||
| E || Perform a 5-Combo ||
| E || Clear 2 Lines using horizontal I-Pieces ||
| E || Tank 4 Garbage Lines ||
| E || Cancel 4 Garbage Lines ||
| D || Clear 4 Doubles ||
| D || Place 3 pieces in a row without moving or rotating || Holding is allowed
| D || Place 14 pieces in a row without clearing any lines ||
| D || Send 6 Lines || Lines cancelled do not count
| D || Place 20 pieces ||
| D || Clear 2 Doubles using S or Z-Pieces ||
| D || Clear 2 Triples using L or J-Pieces ||
| D || Clear an I-Spin ||
| D || Clear a Quad in the upper half of the board ||
| C || Clear a T-Spin Triple ||
| C || Place 25 pieces without using Hold || Does not appear with No Hold
| C || Clear 3 Triples ||
| C || Reach B2B x4 ||
| C || Clear a Quad in 2 different columns ||
| C || Use Hold on 15 pieces in a row || Does not appear with No Hold
| C || Place 10 pieces without releasing Soft Drop ||
| C || Have part of your stack in the top 3 rows for 3 seconds ||
| C || Clear 10 Lines without clearing with T or I-pieces ||
| C || Clear an S/Z-Spin Triple ||
| C || Clear 2 Doubles consecutively using two O-Pieces ||
| C || Clear 4 T-Spin Minis ||
| B || Clear 6 Lines using O-Pieces ||
| B || Clear Spin-Clears with 3 different pieces ||
| B || Clear 4 Quads ||
| B || Place 5 pieces in a row without moving or rotating || Holding is allowed
| B || Send 18 Lines || Lines cancelled do not count
| B || Clear an L/J-Spin Triple ||
| B || Clear 2 Quads in a row ||
| B || Clear 8 Singles without doing other clears or using Hold ||
| B || Have no Garbage Lines on your board for 4 seconds ||
| B || Rotate 100 times ||
| B || Don't cancel any garbage for 8 seconds ||
| A || Perform a 7-Combo ||
| A || Clear an I-Spin Double ||
| A || Clear two S/Z-Spin Doubles consecutively ||
| A || Clear two L/J-Spin Doubles consecutively ||
| A || Perform a Color Clear || Performed by clearing all non-garbage minos on the board.
| A || Clear 40 Lines ||
Using the formula <math>difficulty=floor+revives*2</math>, the task tiers are chosen using this table:
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! Difficulty !! Tasks
| 1 || F×1
| 2 || F×2
| 3 || F×3
| 4 || F×2 E×1
| 5 || F×1 E×2
| 6 || E×3
| 7 || E×2 D×1
| 8 || E×1 D×2
| 9 || D×3
| 10 || D×2 C×1
| 11 || D×1 C×2
| 12 || C×3
| 13 || C×2 B×1
| 14 || C×1 B×2
| 15 || B×3
| 16 || B×2 A×1
| 17 || B×1 A×2
| 18 || A×3
Any higher 'difficulty' will always assign 3 A tier tasks.
==== Reversed mods ====
'''Reversed mods''' were added in Beta 1.5.0<ref>{{cite web |url=https://tetr.io/about/patchnotes/#chlog_BETA_1_5_0 |title=Beta 1.5.0 Update Log |date=January 18, 2025 |website=TETR.IO patch notes}}</ref> on January 18, 2025. Each mod (except for Duo) has a reversed version that is significantly harder, but cannot be combined with other mods. To unlock a reversed mod, you must climb a total of 30,000m with its base version. Enabling multiple mods will gain progress for them at the same time.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width:70%;"
! Mod name
! Base version
! Effect
! Description
| Asceticism || No Hold || Hold piece is disabled.<br>1 piece preview.<br>No ghost piece.<br>Spins are downgraded to Mini-Spins.<br>Random piece generation (no 7-bag).<br>Garbage holes are 2-wide.  || A detachment from even that which is moderate.
| Loaded Dice || Messier Garbage || Garbage is significantly messier.<br>1.15 seconds of line clear delay is added.<br>You start with a fixed pattern of 6 circles on your board. || In a rigged game, your mind is the only fair advantage.
| Freefall || Gravity || Gravity starts at 20G.<br>Lock delay decreases per floor. || In retrospect, the ground you stood on never existed in the first place.
| Last Stand || Volatile Garbage || Playfield is 14 blocks tall.<br>Receive 3x garbage, but garbage is cleaner.<br>The next two garbage hole positions are indicated. || Strength isn't necessary for those with nothing to lose.
| Damnation || Double Hole Garbage || Start with 12 rows of checkerboard garbage.<br>Garbage lines have 7-8 holes.<br>Receive half as much garbage.<br>Garbage cannot be cancelled.|| No more second chances.
| The Exile || Invisible || Pieces become invisible permanently.<br>Only the top 3 rows of garbage are visible.<br>Start with 3 separate lines of garbage. || Never underestimate blind faith.
| Warlock || All-Spin || In addition to base effects:<br>Penalties become 20 wound lines.<br>Every non-Spin line clear counts as a Single.<br>Start with 10 separate lines of garbage.<br>Garbage is messier. || Into realms beyond heaven and earth.
| The Tyrant || Expert Mode || In addition to base effects:<br>Climb Speed no longer gains altitude over time.<br>KOs grant 8 instead of 15 altitude.<br>You lose altitude at an increasing speed per floor.<br>Fatigue has stronger and additional debuffs.<br>Chance of being targeted increases.<br>Receive more garbage the longer you spend in one floor. || Fear, oppression, and limitless ambition.
{| cellpadding="2" style="border:1px solid darkgray;"
|- valign=top
|width="350pt"|The starting board for Loaded Dice.
{| cellpadding="2" style="border:1px solid darkgray;"
|- valign=top
|width="350pt"|The starting board for Damnation.
[[File:Damnation garbage.png|right|300px|thumb|Example of garbage in Damnation.]]
The Tyrant uses a different set of Fatigue effects, which are as follows:
{| class="wikitable"
! Time
! Debuff
! Message
| 6 minutes || Garbage received becomes messier || YOUR POWER SLIPS…
| 7 minutes || Receive 25% more garbage || WHISPERS OF DISCONTENT SPREAD…
| 8 minutes || +3 permanent lines || PROTESTERS LINE THE STREETS…
| 9 minutes || Receive 25% more garbage (total +50%) || YOUR CLOSEST ALLIES DEFECT…
| 10 minutes || +5 permanent lines (total 8) || PARANOIA CLOUDS YOUR JUDGEMENT…
| 11 minutes || Garbage becomes even messier || THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN…
| 12 minutes || +12 permanent lines (total 20)<ref group="QP note">Because 20 lines is the height of the board, it is almost impossible to survive further without stalling.</ref> || THE END OF AN ERA.
<references group="QP note"/>

=== Royale ===
=== Royale ===

Revision as of 23:31, 30 January 2025

TETR.IO logo
GlitchyPSI (Assisting)[1]
Dr Ocelot
flash (Assisting)[1]
Platform(s)Web (Native)[note 1]
Desktop: Windows, Linux, macOS[note 2]
February 19, 2019
January 31, 2020
March 22, 2020
July 26, 2024
Latest releaseBeta 1.0.0 / July 26th, 2024[2]
Desktop V9 / March 9th, 2024[3]
Gameplay info
Next pieces1~6 (default 5)
Playfield size10 × 40 (default)
Hold pieceYes (default)
Hard dropYes (default)
Rotation systemSRS+ (default), SRS, SRS-X, ARS, NRS, ASC, Tetra-X, None

TETR.IO is a free-to-play online multiplayer and singleplayer game developed by osk. Players can play against friends and foes all over the world and claim a spot on the leaderboards, found in the Tetra Channel. It is referred to as a free-to-win, modern yet familiar online stacker game in the same genre as Tetris.


In multiplayer, players can play online multiplayer games against each other. You can choose to play in one large Royale lobby or in a room created using the Custom Rooms option. The host of a room can change settings for the room such as Spin bonuses, player limit, the amount of next pieces shown, and more. Rooms that are set to public by the host will appear in the Room Listing.

Custom rooms with 3 or more players play similarly to Tetris 99 along with alike targeting options, though you cannot manually target a specific player by default. A garbage/gravity margin time system is enabled by default, which causes garbage sent/gravity to increase gradually after a specified amount of time.


TETR.IO includes many modern stacker staples such as Garbage (notably using "change on attack" randomization rules), Gravity, and the quintessential Line clear, but also contains several mechanics unique to it.

Combo System: "Multiplier"

A table detailing the Multiplier combo and B2B Chaining mechanics combined. Yellow cells indicate the attack will cause a "spike", red cells indicate that the attack would cause a top-out if no garbage is cancelled, and purple cells indicate an attack that can cause a "spike KO". Note that the All Clear attack value is outdated.

By default, TETR.IO utilizes a very different combo system to other Tetris games and clones. This system is known as the Multiplier combo system. It nerfs the usually overpowered "four-wide" combo setup heavily, and awards combos that finish with a Quad or T-Spin with a large spike. This system is enabled by default in all multiplayer modes and Zen, and can be toggled in the Custom Room settings.

In the Multiplier system, larger attacks are affected by combo more than smaller ones. The exact value is where is combo. If the base attack is 0, the function is used for 2-combo and above.

Since TETR.IO is played on a grid, the resulting value must be rounded to a whole number. How this is done depends on the "Rounding Mode" setting. Taking a 1-combo Double (1.25) for example:

  • DOWN: values are rounded down, meaning it will always send 1.
  • RNG: values use weighted randomness, meaning it has a 25% chance to send 2 instead.

Quick Play uses RNG mode. Other multiplayer modes and Zen use DOWN mode by default. Blitz and Sprint use other scoring systems, so this system is not used.

Back-to-Back Charging

Various stages of B2B Charging.

Back-to-Back Charging is a mechanic added in Beta 1.0.0 on July 26th, 2024[4] alongside the new Quick Play mode. This is the default mechanic used in multiplayer games, replacing Back-to-Back Chaining.

To use this mechanic, one must do several "difficult line clears" (including Quads, T-Spins and All-Spins if enabled), without clearing a Single, Double, or Triple in between each one. This adds one extra line of garbage to each attack until the streak is broken.

When a player gets a Back-to-Back streak of 4, they will begin charging up a Surge attack. This has a starting power of 1 line in Quick Play and 4 lines in other modes. Each difficult line clear adds 1 line to Surge, so a higher B2B streak will result in a larger Surge attack. For example, if a player has an 8 B2B streak, then 8 lines will be charged (5 lines in Quick Play).

When the player breaks their B2B streak, all of the player's stored Surge lines will be sent at once. It splits into three segments, with the first and sometimes second segment keeping the remainder if the total lines are not a multiple of 3.

Back-to-Back Chaining

Back-to-Back Chaining was introduced in Alpha 2.3.2 on 24th of April, 2020[5] as an experimental feature which quickly became a popular quirk for many, and became a default mechanic the day right after it was introduced. It was replaced with Back-to-Back Charging in Beta 1.0.0, and in Tetra League's pre-season in Beta 1.1.0.

Back-to-Back Chaining rewards the player with more lines per attack as their streak increases:

Range of B2B streak Displayed B2B count Extra lines sent per attack
0-1 (none shown) 0
2-3 B2B x1 - B2B x2 1
4-8 B2B x3 - B2B x7 2
9-24 B2B x8 - B2B x23 3
25-67 B2B x24 - B2B x66 4
68-185 B2B x67 - B2B x184 5
186-504 B2B x185 - B2B x503 6
505-1370 B2B x504 - B2B x1369 7
1371-3725 B2B x1370 - B2B ×3724 8

This system effectively increases forever, seeming to progress similarly to a square root function. Values up to level 8 were posted in a pinned message by osk in the official TETR.IO Discord server's #tetrio-general channel.

In a Custom Room, both Back-to-Back mechanics can be toggled separately using their respective game settings by the host. It was replaced with Back-to-Back Charging as the default setting in the Season 2 Pre-Season.


All-Mini was added in Beta 1.0.0[6] on July 26, 2024. This rule allows all pieces to perform Spins. Spins for pieces other than T use immobile detection and are counted as Mini-Spins. It used to be the default rule until it was replaced by All-Mini+ after Beta 1.5.0.

All-Mini+ was added in Beta 1.5.0[7] on January 18, 2025, allowing T pieces to use immobile detection as well. It replaced All-Mini as the default for all multiplayer gamemodes and Zen.


This mechanic allowed two players to send garbage to each other without cancelling the garbage sent if one attack is sent before the other is received. Garbage takes 20 frames, or 0.333 seconds[8], to travel to another player. During this time, it cannot cancel or be cancelled by any incoming garbage and plays a special sound when it does.

As of Alpha 6.1.2[9], it is disabled by default in all gamemodes. It can be enabled by toggling the "Garbage Passthrough" option under the "Gravity and Margin Time" category. This mechanic historically has gone through many controversies leading to its removal as a default mechanic -- refer to the Professional Concerns section for more info.

Clutch Clear

Clutch Clears were introduced in Alpha 2.5.3. When enabled, if you cleared lines when you would have caused a lock out, you would be able to keep playing. This mechanic became redundant when lock out was disabled by default.

Clutch Clears were reworked in Beta 1.5.0. If you clear lines when you would have caused a block out, your next piece will be pushed above the stack, allowing you to keep playing.

A "CLUTCH CLEAR" pop-up and sound effect appears when it triggers. Triggering multiple Clutch Clears in a row will display "DOUBLE CLUTCH CLEAR", "TRIPLE CLUTCH CLEAR", and so on. This continues up to "DECA" then switches to "xnumber".

Quick Play

Main article: TETR.IO/Quick Play

Quick Play is the main free-for-all room in TETR.IO, aiming to be a more casual, unranked experience, and was revamped in Beta 1.0.0.[10] The goal of this mode is to climb as high as possible and battle it out in a large free-for-all lobby. Upon being eliminated, players can promptly start a new run without waiting for the game to end. It has two leaderboards that reset weekly: Quick Play and Expert Quick Play (Expert Mode enabled).


Royale, formerly known as Quick Play, is another free-for-all room in TETR.IO, which, since Alpha 6.4.0, uses the ROYALE game mode with a dynamic garbage queue depending on the number of remaining players.[11] Prior to this version, the standard versus format was used, with fixed, less forgiving garbage mechanics.

Tetra League

An illustration of the Season 1 Tetra League mechanics. Currently outdated as of August 2024.

Tetra League is the ranked mode in TETR.IO. Each game of Tetra League is a 1v1 match where both players play matches until a certain number of wins. This number is 3 for ranks A+ and below, 5 for ranks SS and below, and 7 for ranks U and above, based off the higher of the two player's ranks.

The player has a TR (Tetra Rating) value, which is based on Glicko-2. TR increases for each match won and decreases for each match lost- individual rounds do not count. When playing this mode for the first time, the player must play at least 10 matches, referred to as "rating games", to display their TR.

A letter rank is assigned to all players with less than 100 RD (Rating Deviation) based on their percentile on the leaderboards. RD decreases to a lower limit of 58 RD when playing Tetra League regularly, and increases at a flat rate of 1 RD per day after one week of inactivity up to a maximum of 350 RD.

As of its public release, players must be registered and be at least level 10 to enter. Anonymous players cannot play this mode. When the mode was first released, only INFDEV testers and supporters were eligible for the mode.


The game also includes solo modes, two of which have leaderboards: 40 Lines and Blitz.

For all modes except Zen, Stride Mode can be activated. This option speeds up the countdown by changing it from "3-2-1-GO!" to "READY-SET-GO!", allows the retry key to be tapped instead of held, reduces the time to exit the solo game by holding the forfeit key, speeds up all animations at the start and end of games, and prevents the first piece from being either S, Z, or O except in Custom Games.

All solo modes have a scoring table similar to the ones in guideline games, shown here:

Line Clear/Action Points Scored
Single 100
Double 300
Triple 500
Quad 800
Spin Zero 400
Spin Single 800
Spin Double 1200
Spin Triple 1600
Spin Quad 2600
Mini Spin Zero 100
Mini Spin Single 200
Mini Spin Double 400
Mini Spin Triple 800
Mini Spin Quad 1600
All Clear 3500
Back to Back "difficult" line clears (where is the point value of the line clear)
Combos (where correlates to the current combo value)

All point values are multiplied by your current level, except for Zen mode.

In addition to this table, simply dropping a piece will award a flat number of points not affected by level:

Action Taken Points Scored
Hard Drop 2 per cell dropped
Soft Drop 1 per cell dropped

40 Lines

In 40 Lines, the objective is simply to clear 40 lines as fast as possible. Due to the lack of ARE and a 0 ARR handling option, the only limit to your speed is how fast you can stack.

Pro mode can be enabled, which displays an input counter on the left, a finesse counter on the right, and number of lines left at the top of the board.


Blitz is similar to Ultra, requiring the player to score as many points as possible within two minutes. Unlike Ultra, a level system similar to Marathon with an increasing line goal for each level is added:

Level Lines required to level up Total lines cleared Gravity (seconds per row) Gravity (G)
1 3 3 1.0 0.0167
2 5 8 0.643 0.0259
3 7 15 0.404 0.0412
4 9 24 0.249 0.0670
5 11 35 0.150 0.111
6 13 48 0.0880 0.189
7 15 63 0.0505 0.330
8 17 80 0.0283 0.588
9 19 99 0.0155 1.08
10 21 120 0.00827 2.01
11 24 144 0.00431 3.87
12 26 170 0.00219 7.62
13 28 198 0.00108 15.4
14 30 228 0.00052 20
15 32 260 0.00024 20

Higher levels are possible, but omitted for brevity. This leveling system can be replicated in custom solo games with the "Leveling Speed" option set to 0.42 and "Base Gravity" set to 0.65.

Unlike most other modes, Blitz still does not award All-Spins and therefore only regular three corner detection T-Spins count for extra scoring.

Pro Mode can be enabled, which displays a finesse counter on the left, and the time left at the top of board.


Zen is an endless mode with no game overs and a special level system, inspired by the mode of the same name from the Bejeweled series, starting with Bejeweled 2, where it was named Endless. You can change various settings from a menu by hovering over the right side of the window. Zen can be played while waiting for the next match in Custom Rooms or in the Tetra League queue.

You gain a static 100 XP per minute while in Zen mode. This caps at 3000 XP per session if you are idle for the majority of the time, meaning that you will need to exit and re-enter Zen after 30 minutes to continue earning XP.


Players can create their own solo mode and adjust settings such as objective, gravity and garbage. By default, the options match that of a fixed-goal Marathon mode from other Tetris games.


Stacker achievement at diamond tier.

In Beta 1.0.0, achievements were introduced. Achievements can be viewed in TETRA CHANNEL in-game, as well as user pages. Players may also choose to feature up to 3 of their achievements on their profile.

There are 5 tiers for each achievement- bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond. Some achievements do not have a bronze or silver tier due to being especially difficult. Tiers can either be determined by percentile or a set threshold.

Achievements contribute to the player's total AR (Achievement Rating), contributing more with each tier. Total AR has its own leaderboard on Tetra Channel. Achievements marked as Unranked will not contribute to the player's AR. Most of these are marked as such due to requiring TETR.IO Supporter or being part of a limited time event.

All achievements except for Secret Grade have their own leaderboards. Viewing an achievement in TETRA CHANNEL displays your leaderboard position and percentage. Achievements marked as "competitive" grant extra AR to players in the top 100 leaderboard, depending on placement. In rare cases, it is possible to gain this extra AR without actually having the achievement.

An achievement may be marked as "hidden", meaning it will only appear to players once they trigger a certain related goal. All Quick Play mod-related achievements are hidden until their required mods have been unlocked.


Main article: TETR.IO/Badges

Badges are given to registered TETR.IO users to immortalize special accomplishments on their profile. Badges are typically rewarded for placing highly in organized tournaments and events, for especially difficult and rare feats in game, or as rewards in exceptional circumstances.

Some badges, such as Secret Grade, 20TSD, and 10PC have been superceded by achievements as of Beta 1.0.0, and as such are no longer obtainable.

Rotation System

180 Kicks

A diagram of TETR.IO's 180 kicks, as posted, and pinned, by osk on the official TETR.IO discord server in the "#tetrio" channel.

From 0.6.0-pre0[12], TETR.IO made its first modification to the guideline kick table, adding a custom 180 kick table. This table is relatively resilient to abusable spins, however there is plenty of room for handy L and J tucks with this system.

In a situation shown to the left, limited to guideline clockwise and counterclockwise spins, the only "clean" downstack would be building up a wall on the left side of the field and spinning a Z in.
Like so:
However, if you have a 180 key bound and a L tetromino in the playfield, simply soft drop,
and 180!


TETR.IO also includes a separate kick table known as "SRS-X" that can only be enabled by the host of a multiplayer room or in a solo Custom game as it is not the default kick table. SRS-X is known for its "more powerful 180 spins" such as the ones seen in NullpoMino or the Heboris Unofficial Expansion. All other kicks are the same as in SRS.[13]


A very simple graphic detailing TETR.IO's SRS+'s symmetric attributes, as posted, and pinned, by osk on the official TETR.IO discord server in the "#tetrio" channel.

As of Alpha 5.0.0[14], TETR.IO uses a modified version of SRS as the default option, in which the I wall kicks are symmetrical along the y-axis, similarly to TGM3; however, the left-side kick tables are mirrored instead of the right side. This allows certain situations that are impossible in regular SRS to be made effectively.

As in Guideline SRS, the shown placement can be achieved by rotating clockwise.
In the symmetric position, this can now be achieved by rotating clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Tetra Channel

The in-game Tetra Channel contains leaderboards with replays for 40 Lines and Blitz, weekly leaderboards with temporary replays for Quick Play and Expert Quick Play, and your last submitted solo, Tetra League or Quick Play replays in the "ME" section. The Players screen lists the top players sorted by their league rating, achievement rating or by the total amount of experience points (XP) accumulated throughout the game. Leaderboards are also capped at the hundredth player.

In addition to the features above, it also shows players who are currently streaming with the TETR.IO category on Twitch. The Tetra News section displays achievements done by players, such as reaching the top ten in either solo mode with a leaderboard, or winning one of TETR.IO's many partnered tourneys. There is also a simple "search bar" at the top of the Tetra Channel, where you can input specific replay IDs or URLs to access them, as well as access specific player cards with a username or User ID.

Standalone Site

In the 5.0.0 update[15], a standalone Tetra Channel site was released. This site holds most of the same things the in-game Tetra Channel does, with the added benefit of more detailed userpages, extended leaderboards, free access to anyone without an anonymous or registered account, and more detailed server statistics. Specifically, solo leaderboards are extended from the top 100 scores to every user's personal best, the Tetra League leaderboards are extended to every ranked player, and the XP leaderboards are extended to every player above level 100. Furthermore, all "player leaderboards" can filtered by specific countries.

A similar "search bar" to the one found in the in-game Tetra Channel is present in all pages on the site. This search bar takes the user to the requested user page when an exact username and User IDs is entered. A user page is far more detailed than its in-game player card counterpart, and includes extensive information about the user's 40 Lines, Blitz and Quick Play records, links to their top replays in all solo modes, their most recently submitted replays in the last 7 days (30 if they are a Supporter), Tetra League statistics and all match records, and finally a simple Zen mode counter for the user's score and level.

An extended "Tetra News" section is included with this site as well. At the very bottom lies a button labeled "VIEW ALL", which takes you to a dedicated Tetra News section of the site. Here, a news ticket is created whenever any registered user gets a new personal best, reaches a new top rank for that season or achieves one of TETR.IO's badges. This page only displays the last 100 news events, and updates on its own whenever a news event occurs. These news events are known as "Local News" and will display on the newsholder's user page even after it expires from the global news.


Supporter is a paid subscription for TETR.IO, being a way to support development as the name suggests. It provides a number of benefits, including being able to play with the Duo mod in Quick Play, further customisation, exclusive chat emotes, increased friends limit, and disabled ads. It can be bought in bulk for a discount or gifted to any number of other players.

Since Alpha 6.0.1, players can gain TETR.IO Supporter tiers by hitting lifetime contribution goals. Starting with Tier 1, Tier 2 (★) is achieved after contributions reach €20, Tier 3 (★★) after €80 and Tier 4 (★★★) after €250. These tiers are purely cosmetic, causing the player's name to appear in a brighter shade of orange in chat and adding a star to their profile.

This image shows the various role colors in TETR.IO.


Promotional material created by osk for display on the @tetriogame Twitter account, to celebrate the latest New Year's Day.[16]

You can always fetch a list of various real-time stats from the Tetra Channel's main page, including, but not limited to: the exact amount of registered players split up into three categories, global time spent playing TETR.IO across all games, how many of those games have been played and completed, and miscellaneous stats such as pieces placed and how many keypresses total.

On the 3rd of November, 2020, TETR.IO reached the milestone of half a million players. This milestone was celebrated with a "triple XP week" which, as the name sort of implies, tripled the XP players gained for the time the celebration ran[17].

TETR.IO hit a total of one million players on the 9th of February, 2021[18]. This milestone was celebrated by, once again, temporarily multiplying the XP amounts players gained for the week of the celebration. This time, XP would be quintupled for the first day, then tripled for the rest of the week[19].

Later on, TETR.IO would reach a total of two million users on the 31st of May, 2021[20]. As well as the same XP multiplication as last time, 500% for one day, then 300% for the rest of the week, users would also be treated to a 25% off discount on TETR.IO Supporter for the entire week. This discount stacked with the regular discounts for buying gifts, or buying in bulk.

Continuing the streak, TETR.IO would celebrate the 3 million player mark on the 17th of September, 2021[21]. This time around, the XP multiplication hit 300%, and TETR.IO Supporter was 30% off instead of 25%. These discounts and boosts would expire just 3 days later, this time around.

And, more recently, TETR.IO's playerbase would make the mark of 4 million players on the 8th of December, 2021[22]. Staying true to form from the previous milestone, players were treated to 400% XP generation, as well as a 25% TETR.IO Supporter discount for only one day.

Professional Concerns: The Removal of Passthrough

Results of the completed passthrough.osk.sh survey, as posted on the TETR.IO Discord server

Many players in the community hold a very low opinion on TETR.IO's Passthrough and, to a lesser degree, Multiplier mechanics. Previously, these mechanics would complement each other in creating unfair situations for both players; so much so that a large community-led discussion regarding the removal of Passthrough was held due to its prevalence in deciding ranked games. Concepts regarding Passthrough removal were always tossed about with nearly any server related to TETR.IO. However, the discussion which led to the official removal of Passthrough began in an official capacity on the 28th of September, 2021, in a Discord thread in the official TETR.IO server. Players were informed of and instructed to leave feedback for a new, experimental toggle for passthrough through the #news channel and in-game patch notes alongside the 6.1.0 update.[23] Thanks to this official push for opinions, the "Passthrough Removal" thread quickly became the second most active in TETR.IO's thread list, leading only behind the Official Character System Thread.

“Please only vote if you've actually played w/ passthrough disabled. I won't be looking so much at the raw vote counts, but rather at the reasons given. Please be sure to fill them out. Thank you for voting!”
osk "#news". TETR.IO Discord server. October 17, 2021. Retrieved .

While discussion in the thread progressed semi-smoothly, it was necessary to attain an overview of players for and against the change. To solve this issue, osk would set up a site known as https://passthrough.osk.sh/. During the submission period, members were asked to fill out 3 fields[24].

  1. Are you for or against the removal of passthrough?
  2. What is your TR? (if any)
  3. "Please explain in detail why you have voted to keep/remove passthrough. This is the most important field!"

These questions would be answered by the community, amounting to a total of 649 entries after duplicate or spam entries were filtered out. Of those entries, 243 users voted to keep Passthrough, and 406 users voted to remove it.

“After reading all 649 responses, I've decided to remove passthrough from TETRA LEAGUE and QUICK PLAY, and disable it by default in all custom games.
The main reasoning here being that passthrough generally makes defending harder in an already high-damage game, and most importantly, is far too unpredictable (even pure RNG would be more predictable).”
osk "#news". TETR.IO Discord server. October 17, 2021. Retrieved .

Although Passthrough was removed, it was still possible to some extent after the update due to networking delays.[23] 6.3.3 completely rectified this phenomenon, dubbed "lagthrough" by the community, with a feature known as Zero Passthrough.[25]

Seasonal events

April Fools'

Like most of the internet, on April 1st each year, TETR.IO takes part in the April Fools' Day festivities usually by changing the system Quick Play room's ruleset to one that is both unconventional and impossible to recreate for the normal user, and by changing the so-called "action text" that appears when the player clears lines, T-Spins, All Clears, and Back-To-Back moves.

April Fools' 2020

Illustration of the so-called "Dark Garbage" this year's TETR.IO April Fools' Quick Play was centered around. All players would begin each Quick Play lobby with this field before the countdown even began.
The specific line this block was located on would not abide by the universal rule normally applied in TETR.IO; the line would fail to clear if the line was filled.
Of course, other lines would clear as normal, however, once garbage entered the board, you would not be able to clear it. This created a bias for simply countering pending garbage to ensure none entered your board.

The Quick Play gimmick for this year's April Fools' was one singular unclearable block, located on the first row in the third column, leaving that row unclearable. Since garbage is added into the board from the bottom, once players covered a column on row 1 with a regular piece, garbage which has entered that row would become unclearable by extension. Furthermore, the garbage multiplier was set to a staggering 9999x[26], garbage margin time started instantly, the "Allowed Spins" setting permitted "Stupid Spins", and your next queue was reduced from five pieces to four. The "Garbage Cap" setting was set to a limit of 1 garbage line allowed to enter the field per non-line clearing piece placed, so matches wouldn't end the instant you received that aforementioned multiplied garbage. The winning strategy here appeared to be building up a 4-Wide setup, abusing "Stupid Spins" to counter as much garbage as possible, and stalling your way to the end.

The action text this year mirrored that of NullpoMino's action text:

Original action text Replaced action text
x-SPIN LARGE x-SPEEN[fools note 1]
MINI T-SPIN TINY T-SPEEN[fools note 2]
BACK TO BACK( x) MANY TIMES( x)[fools note 3]
COMBO[fools note 4] (unchanged)

The TETR.IO Discord server also changed its name and server icon to match that of the Jstris Discord server. For many, there would be two identical Jstris Discord servers in their server list as Jstris did not return the gesture.

Gameplay footage
  1. Where "x" is the piece counted for the spin.
  2. The T tetromino will always be the piece to trigger this text. You cannot achieve a Mini-Spin with any other piece, as TETR.IO uses "Immobile" Spin detection for every non-T piece.
  3. Where is equal to the amount of consecutive Back-To-Back line clears. "BACK TO BACK x1" is never shown, as a simple "BACK TO BACK" is prefered over the former.
  4. Where correlates to the current combo value.

April Fools' 2021

Here is an example of each "fractured" piece used in the final Quick play, starting with the equivalent of the Z tetromino.
This would have been the L piece.
The O tetromino was not changed, although since the ASC table was in effect, O-WIST's were still possible. This proves the system was capable of simply generating the same pieces.
The S piece.
The I piece justified the name of "fractured" pieces for this round. Minos had no obligation to be entirely connected.
The J piece.
The T piece. This generated piece is also commonly known as the F pentomino.

Exactly one year after the previous Quick Play event, shenanigans began once again. This time around, default Quick Play settings were in effect, plus the addition of normal All-Spin[fools note 1], however instead of using guideline tetrominos, all players were served the same seven randomly generated pieces known as "fractured" pieces. These pieces could be made of anywhere from one to sixteen minos. Each fractured piece correlated to one of the regular seven guideline tetrominos both visually in the next/hold queue[fools note 2] and in the "x-WIST"[fools note 3] action text. Due to the randomly generated nature of these pieces, the Super Rotation System kick table was not a good fit for this mode. Hence, the dynamic "ASC" kick table, originally created for winterNebs' Ascension, made a good fit for the mode. The kick table might not have been the only bit of inspiration taken from that site for this mode. Ascension's "Mutation" mode generates very similar pieces on later mutation levels. Fortunately, the ASC kick table was already implemented into TETR.IO as of update 0.7.2-pre0 released the year prior[27], however, despite the groundwork already existing for the kick table, the ASC kick table does not define 180 kicks to be used[28], so custom modifications adding mentioned 180 kicks were made to the ASC kick table at the time for this special mode. The winning strategy here differed from round to round depending on how favorable the fractured pieces generated. More than likely, pieces would simply be too unorthodox to legitimately play the game with, so good knowledge of the lock delay mechanics went a long way towards stalling your way to the end.

The T-Wist in its first appearance.

The action text switches this time around took a more simplistic approach to displaying how many lines a single piece cleared:

Original action text Replaced action text
SINGLE (unchanged)
PENTA, HEXA, HEPTA, etc SINGLE x[fools note 4]
x-SPIN x-WIST[fools note 6]
MINI T-SPIN MINI T-WIST[fools note 7]
B2B x CHAIN x[fools note 8]
COMBO[fools note 9] (unchanged)

The "T-WIST" text is likely a reference to GlitchyPSI's YouTube video titled "A casual day with a twist.". The "BRAVO" text likely drew inspiration from the Tetris The Grand Master series, where an "all clear" is called a "bravo" in earlier games. The "CHAIN" text could be a reference to the Puyo Puyo series, but there's a higher chance it simply references the name of the Back-To-Back Chaining mechanic.

The TETR.IO Discord server did their part in the tomfoolery by changing its name to a self-aware violation of the | branding guidelines by changing its name to "Tetr.IO". Furthermore, the moment the date hit April the 1st for the CEST time zone, the following announcement was made in #news parallel to the update that changed the Quick Play ruleset:

The "JSTRIS handling mode" toggle. Activating it would produce the visuals shown above.
“Version 6.0.4a is now live.
➔ Added JSTRIS handling mode!
 -> It makes your handling exactly like Jstris handling. Find it in CONFIG -> HANDLING
➔ I couldn't be bothered to write the rest of the patch notes sorry”

This "Jstris handling mode" manifested as a toggle in the handling category of the config. Activating it would remove the frame based indications of how DAS and ARR were configured, and would replace them with counters that tracked milliseconds, just like Jstris. Changing your ARR value would impact your DAS value, specifically adding your ARR to your DAS. TETR.IO DAS/ARR is not the same as Jstris DAS/ARR[29], and the update that "fixed" TETR.IO's DAS suggests this addition workaround for users with positive ARR[13]. Aside from the visual changes mentioned, this toggle effectively did nothing to change TETR.IO's handling.

Gameplay footage
  1. Since TETR.IO Allspin already operated under "Immobile" detection, it adapted easily to the newly generated pieces.
  2. Fractured pieces were not reflected in the next/queue, however the block-out warning signifying the next piece's spawn position did mirror its fractured counterpart. Each fractured piece were constructed in a grid the size of their "normal" counterparts, which means that the corresponding O piece had to be restricted to a 2x2 grid, the corresponding I piece in a 4x4, and the rest in a 3x3 grid
  3. Where "x" is the piece counted for the spin
  4. Where is equal to the amount of lines cleared with a single line clear. More information in the trivia section.
  5. This is the line clear achieved when 21-40 rows are cleared at once. More information at the trivia section.
  6. Where "x" is the piece counted for the spin.
  7. The T tetromino will always be the piece to trigger this text. You cannot achieve a mini spin with any other piece, as TETR.IO uses "Immobile" spin detection for every non-T piece.
  8. Where is equal to the amount of consecutive Back-To-Back line clears.
  9. Where correlates to the current combo value.

April Fools' 2022

Compared to the previous April Fools', 2022's foolery came and went to little official fanfare or acclaim. Lacking any external announcement over the server maintenance, aside from the standard ten minute timer in-game players are subject to, the event made up for this underwhelming aspect by lasting from March 31, 8:00 PM UTC to April 2, 12:00 PM UTC, a total of 40 hours. This subdued deployment was triggered in part by extended development time away from TETR.IO's main codebase, with development efforts going towards the still pending "Character System" update, which is set to release TETR.IO's beta; and by osk's unfavorable schedule at the time, which did not permit for extended debugging if launched at the normal times.

The extent of the April Fools' update, titled "version 6.2.0a", applied only to Quick Play. No special action text was supplied, nor did any modification of the ingame CONFIG occur[fools note 1]. Quick Play's config was near-identical to non-April Fools' settings, bar usage of the ASC kick table and immobile All-Spin, with the addition of so-called "voids", "portals", or "voidholes"[fools note 2]. Every match, one to three voidholes materialized on the lower half of the matrix on each and every player board, randomized by seed[fools note 3]. These indestructible, destructive objects are an unclearable nuisance; one that effects both your static field and your active piece. If either intersects a voidhole, be it by piloting an active piece into one or by accepting garbage and clearing lines, pushing the static field higher or lower respectively; the offending mino is destroyed.

  • In the case of an active piece being partially destroyed, the piece remains controllable[fools note 4], however, should you continue to drive a piece into a voidhole, it will eventually be destroyed entirely.
    • Destroying a piece this way will still incur garbage accumulation, so as long as any opponent is still sending garbage, you cannot use this method to stall infinitely.
  • In the case of your stack being pushed upwards into a voidhole, the voidhole will destroy all minos that would pass through it[fools note 5]. The higher limit of three voidholes prevents scenarios where no garbage ever reaches the spawn position, as the maximum width of a spawning piece is four columns across.
    • Curiously, if the stack is pushed downwards two rows or more by a double line clear or higher, the voidhole will only consume the higher mino. This is theorized to be a simple oversight, as clearing rows below voidholes proves to be a difficult challenge while the voidholes themselves remain unclearable.

The simple fact of voidholes being unclearable makes this challenge similar to that of the first April Fools'. Unlike that event, however, the winning strategy here involved using your voidholes to attain trivial 1 row All Clears by partially destroying every piece into pseudo-monominos or pseudo-dominos during the opener phase, and then relying on efficient line clears for frequent countering, as well as an understanding of downstacking with L or J pieces[fools note 6] above voidholes after receiving garbage. Good knowledge of ASC rotation under high gravity certainly heightened your chances of survival, since often times, players simply couldn't successfully navigate their pieces to where they needed to be under Quick Play's quick endgame gravity.

Gameplay footage
  1. That said, it was still possible to technically trigger the exclusive QUICK PLAY gimmick in solo custom games, if you were willing to modify properties in the devtools during the event. The described limitations still applied, and there were no methods to disable them or use them in custom maps.
  2. Internally, these are called voidholes. For consistency, the rest of this section will refer to them as such.
  3. This meant, true to TETR.IO's even playing field design philosophy, all boards had identical voidhole locations.
  4. This is what mandated usage of the ASC kick table, although this table takes considerable collateral damage with common SRS finesse with the standard pieces.
  5. Despite the animation for garbage suggesting instant teleportation, leaving the blocks inbetween immune to the effect.
  6. I pieces are not suitable for downstacking above a voidhole, as voidholes will destroy the entire I piece.

April Fools' 2023

2023 featured Kaliente mode, known initially as "?????" mode[fools note 1]. The mode was made available site-wide for custom rooms and without any announcement or patch notes at approximately March 31st, 11:50 PM UTC. Aside from the unique new game mode, action text and other configuration elements remained untouched. While Kaliente mode is enabled, the game over animation is much more explosive—whereas before the board simply fell, it now literally shatters into several pieces in a semi-3d effect while High or Ultra graphics are selected.

While initially planned to last the single day, Kaliente remained available for use in custom lobbies until 6.3.3's release about 11 days after April Fools'.[25] After being removed from Quick Play following the April Fools' weekend, the tooltips associated with the options were revamped with helpful information pertaining to the mode.

The mode makes a couple differences immediately apparent. Before the game starts, players may notice that there is now a numerical HP value featured under their board. It transforms the winning condition into one where instead of being the last player to top out, you must be the last player with remaining HP. If you top out before your HP runs out, you will instead lose some amount of HP and continue playing, and your board will be partially cleared, leaving some difficult residue to clean up.

When players receive garbage, a specific column is highlighted a variable color to indicate that a "parry" may be made. When there is pending garbage, players may counter it by specifically clearing a row with an active piece partially above a parry point to perform a parry—where extra garbage is added to your line clear and sent to whoever you're targeting. In addition, parries may be "chained" off each other—for example, if a player parries an attack, it becomes a "double parry" which changes your board's color while pending. If parried again, a "triple parry", and so on. The more concurrent times a specific parry is passed around, the more damage it will do to your HP if any of its garbage is accepted. Players may forecast where this and future "parry points" will appear by studying the bottom of the field, where four differently colored arrows are present, pointing at specific columns. When a parry point is active, there will be a numerical value under it, signifying how many chained parries you are about to receive.

When parries are chained, players can deduce how dire a situation has become by gauging the board's color or the aforementioned numerical value. A small table is included below which indicates what parry you have received:

Concurrent parry number Ingame name for parrying it Associated color
#1 Parry! Reddish pink
#2 Double Parry! Cyan
#3 Triple Parry! Orange
#4 Quad Parry! Green
#5 Penta Parry! Dark blue
#6 Hexa Parry! Magenta
#7 Hepta Parry! Very light cyan
#8 Octa Parry! Very light cyan
#9 Ennea Parry! Very light cyan
#10 Octa Parry! Very light cyan
#[fools note 2] -Parry! Very light cyan

Many arbitrary variables were made available for all players to change. Here's a table of the available options as well as the Quick Play defaults.

Option Internal /set name[fools note 3] Default Quick Play value Included modernized tooltip Included April Fools' tooltip[fools note 4]
Enable Kaliente game.options.kaliente ON Enable the temporary Kaliente mode, where you parry garbage to lower your opponent's HP. If enabled, your computer will blast. ← What?
Starting HP game.options.kaliente_hp 750 The starting HP in Kaliente mode. What? There was treasure. And it's right here. [I point to my heart.]
Multiplier game.options.kaliente_multiplier 1 Global multiplier of all HP damage. There! Go fetch!
Margin time game.options.kaliente_margin 0 Time in frames after which the damage multiplier for Kaliente goes up. ↑Yoshino Powerhiko
Increase game.options.kaliente_increase 0.0085 Amount with which the damage multiplier increases per second. You're banned from the internet from now on.
Topout cost game.options.kaliente_topout_cost 0.3 Index of how much HP a topout costs. Shizuru is happily performing photosynthesis.
Punishment cost game.options.kaliente_punishment_cost 1.5 Index of the HP cost of tanking lines with your piece in the parry line. I doubt that makes any sense to you, but it doesn't make sense to me either so there's nothing I can do.
Garbage impact game.options.kaliente_amt_cost 1 The amount of impact the size of an attack (in garbage) has on its HP damage. The impact of garbage like me.
Parry power game.options.kaliente_parry_impact 2.15 The power (as in, 𝑛^x where 𝑛=this setting and x=the parry power) of parrying to the damage. If this was a story... would I be like a protagonist?

The winning strategy for Kaliente mode was not very clear-cut. In theory, players could benefit from predicting parry columns and actively engaging with the systems put forth, but in practice, players may have felt more inclined to farm large Back-To-Back chains and generically counter incoming garbage, thereby ensuring no damage entered their board. The very chaotic nature of Quick Play at the time made it hard to determine when and how much garbage one player may receive after a given point. Default settings were modified, such as a lower starting garbage multiplier and a larger frame of garbage travel time before garbage became active, but these settings, when combined with Kaliente's large starting HP pool, made Quick Play matches last a long time. Long matches mean matches that go into Garbage Margin Time, and at that point, more RNG entered consideration as all attacks hit very hard.

Gameplay footage
  1. Only initially, as again, there was no announcements or patch notes regarding this April Fools'. After the 1st, settings were updated to reflect the "real" name of the mode.
  2. Where is the current value of chained parries.
  3. Shown only by the use of a browser's Developer Tools, you must use these notations to change the option by the use of the ingame /set command.
  4. Context: Inbetween last year's April Fools' and this year's, several more developers, namely Dr Ocelot and Dimentio, were brought on to develop TETR.IO. These tooltips appear to be a dialog of inside jokes and rarely even reference the option they describe, making them useless fluff to view if you're attempting to understand Kaliente. They were replaced after the April Fools' weekend.

April Fools' 2024

2024's event had no coordinal announcements and ran from March 31st, 10:00 PM UTC, and ended with the release of 6.4.4 on April 2nd, 3:00 PM UTC. Quick Play had an implementation of bomb garbage similarly to Tetris Battle, where garbage generates as solid lines with an exposed core in one column, shown as a stylized ☢️. Placing a piece directly on top of this exposed core would clear the row of garbage, as well as subsequent rows underneath with the same bomb column. This action counts as a line clear, and thus, preserves combo/Back-to-Back status. Bombs also follow change-on-attack generation, much unlike Tetris Battle. This allows for line clears and T-Spins beyond Quads to be scored. Extended line clears would send the following:

Line Clear Garbage sent
Quad 4+B2B
Penta 5+B2B
Hexa 6+B2B
rows cleared[fools note 1] +B2B
T-Spin Double 4+B2B
T-Spin Triple[fools note 2] 6+B2B
T-Spin Quad 10+B2B
T-Spin Penta 12+B2B
T-Spin Hexa 14+B2B
rows cleared with a T-Spin +B2B

All players were allowed to access this new garbage mode in custom rooms by running /set options.usebombs=1 in the chat as a host on April Fools'. Bombs were solidified as a room option in 6.4.4, making them a permanent addition.[30] In addition to bombs, two new random bag types were introduced for use in custom rooms or solo custom games: 7+1-bag and 7+2-bag[fools note 3]. These use the standard Random Generator method, with 1 or 2 extra arbitrary pieces shuffled into each bag. This change makes openers far less reliable, and in most cases, impossible to perform.

  1. A reference of extended line clear names are at Trivia.
  2. All T-Spins that clear 3 rows or more will never be scored as Mini T-Spins.
  3. 7+X-bag, added after the April Fools' event, aims to only disturb the first 4 bags by shuffling in 3/2/1/1 arbitrary pieces for each bag. These 7 pieces originate from their own 7-bag(no duplicates).


Ingame image of TETR.IO during the holiday seasons.
Christmas is almost here! The entire TETR.IO team would like to wish you Happy Holidays!
Please enjoy a slight reskin of the game to fit the mood! Also, Supporter gifts are 25% off! Could make a nice gift!”
osk, December 19th, 2021

Following the trends of other services, TETR.IO also partakes in seasonal redecorating. Between December 19th, 2021 to January 4th, 2022, there was a full change-up of backgrounds, board appearance, accent colors, and the addition of snowy particles. This reskin was also responsible for developments in the modularity of TETR.IO customization, being the first deployment of piece/ghost skin mix-and-matching and introducing entirely new textures to the internal "board.png" file, doubling its size, which was later ditched when the update was reverted.

Happy holidays from the TETR.IO team!!! Please enjoy the festive spirit we've given the game again this year!
Feeling grinchy? You can disable the festive skin in Config this time around.”
osk, December 21st, 2022

Returning for 2022, the year's holiday reskin was much more fundamental in altering TETR.IO's look and feel. With a new, animated queue which dynamically flipped between two frames depending on how quickly you played, the counters to the side of the board also shook slightly upon each update. Attacks were replaced with snowballs, and the grid showed a checkerboard pattern. Since this update changed much more than the last year's, players were able to toggle it via a setting at the very top of Config. The festivities lasted from December 21st, 2022 to January 8th, 2023.

“Happy holidays from the TETR.IO team! Please enjoy the festive spirit added to the game!
This time, there's something quite special courtesy of @doktorocelot , do turn up the volume!”
@tetriogame, December 17th, 2023[31]

Back again for 2023, major additions included newly remixed main menu and Blitz songs[32], the accumulation of snow on your board, and an omnipresent but configurable snowstorm in the menus. Assets that were made for 2022's celebration returned, and most customizations could be disabled using the same toggle at the top of the config. This event lasted from December 17th, 2023 to January 8th, 2024.

5,000,000 Blast

See also: TETR.IO Badges: 5,000,000 Blast

In celebration of TETR.IO reaching five million players, a temporary SOLO game mode was released parallel to the occasion. This mode, subtitled "5,000,000 BLAST" ingame, existed for exactly 2 weeks. The first week held a competition for high scorers. All users who placed 1000th or higher would receive a special badge, as well as free durations of Supporter.

An illustration of two line clears made during this event, in this special mode. The first Quad is a COOL!! line clear, as no recent line clears have been made on the rightmost column. The 2nd Quad is a REGRET line clear, as it repeats the first one to the column.

The mode itself was a race to simply attain 5,000,000 points or more as quickly as possible. Games would start with an extremely low score multiplier, and this hidden multiplier would silently increase exponentially as the game went on. Players did so while actively working around a system of "originality" which rewarded unique line clears to the session, and punished duplicate line clears. Internally, this system was represented by a sequence of "buckets", one for each of the 10 columns in a TETR.IO board, and one for every action listed in the score table above. That is to say, the following actions would be judged in combination with the row you do them in:

  • Singles, Doubles, Triples, and Quads.
  • T-Spins: both Mini T-Spins and full T-Spins were judged separately.
  • T-Spins which do not clear lines also count as a separate action.
  • All Clears: notably, these were judged strongly negatively if cleared. Specifically: after doing two All Clears, any more will impose an immediate, permanent deficit on your internal originality variable, decreasing it by 9.15 units. This, in turn, led players to recieving negative score, eventually going below 0 points so long as one continued this behavior.
“COOL!! if
・total originality increase this placement exceeded 4 + {amt of lines cleared}
・originality is now more than 8 (to prevent first move from always being COOL!!
・you lost originality in any way (by trying to take from a near-empty bucket, or by doing excessive PCs)”
osk "5 Million Blast Research". TETR.IO Discord server. March 8, 2022. Retrieved .

This system was displayed to the player with the terms "COOL!!" and "REGRET" onscreen, borrowing heavily from the TGM series's section time call-outs. While these were helpful indicators to nudge players in the right direction and were overall beneficial to the mode's playability, they were not absolute indicators of optimal gameplay and were based upon somewhat arbitrary cutoffs. The top 1000 submissions in the leaderboard hovered near the 200-300 blocks placed statistic. As a time based mode, naturally, you would want to lower the amount of required pieces to get more done with less inputting, so, abusing COOL!! line clears was a must-have for the high ranking players.


TETR.IO staff members are users responsible for moderation and general upkeep of the game and its community. Their main responsibilities include reviewing reports, answering support tickets, and moderating the Discord server.

Staff members have access to the admin panel, which is the main interface for moderation actions. They also (in most cases) have access to the support ticket system, a role in the TETR.IO Discord server which grants them moderation permissions, and access to staff-only Discord channels.

Staff Roles

This image shows the various role colors in TETR.IO.

TETR.IO has four distinct staff roles with varying levels of access and responsibility.[33] Staff roles automatically have access to most Supporter and Verified perks, access to a number of exclusive emotes, and the ability to take host of any in-game lobby.

Community Moderator

The community moderator role was introduced in May 2023. As the entry level staff role on TETR.IO, community moderators handle chat moderation and less involved administrative tasks. Community moderators have a blue name in chat.

Global Moderator

Global moderators are established TETR.IO staff members with extended responsibilities. Global moderators have the authority to handle all types of rule violations, and have a light pink name in chat.


The administrator role is functionally similar to the moderator role, with extended permissions to perform certain bureaucratic tasks. Administrators have a hot pink name in chat.


Users with the sysop role have full administrative control over TETR.IO. Notably, sysops are the only users with the power to promote new staff members or deploy code changes. This role is exclusively reserved for TETR.IO founder osk, who has a green name in chat.

Staff Members

Staff Member[1] Role Title[note 3] Appointment[note 4]
osk Sysop osk / TETR.IO Founder (Lead Producer) Launch - Present
Dimentio Administrator TETR.IO Programmer & Administrator August 2021 - Present
Dr Ocelot Administrator TETR.IO Audio & Music Designer, Programmer & Administrator June 2022 - Present
Garbo Administrator [note 5] TETR.IO Game Designer November 2020 - Present
Matthew Administrator TETR.IO Administrator Launch - Present
ZaptorZap Administrator TETR.IO Administrator May 2021 - Present
Zudo Administrator TETR.IO Administrator August 2021 - Present
flash Global Moderator TETR.IO Assisting Programmer & Global Moderator Launch - Present
alcazar Global Moderator TETR.IO Global Moderator Launch - Present
deep4amthoughts Global Moderator TETR.IO Global Moderator May 2021 - Present
flowerpetal Global Moderator TETR.IO Global Moderator May 2023 - Present
gebruikersnaam Global Moderator TETR.IO Global Moderator Launch - Present
thugginator Global Moderator TETR.IO Global Moderator Launch - Present
sketchedpurple Global Moderator TETR.IO Global Moderator May 2023 - Present
Blink Community Moderator TETR.IO Community Moderator May 2023 - Present
nook Global Moderator (former) TETR.IO Alumni Launch - June 2022


TETR.IO began its life in the INDEV stage on the 19th of February, 2019[34]. This phase would have extremely closed testing, limited to only osk and his personal friends. Less than a year later, TETR.IO would enter the INFDEV stage on January 31, 2020, when access to the game was opened for testers on a per request basis. During the Infdev release, players were required to represent their IP address to osk via Discord DMs or E-Mails in order to test this version[35]. A month and a half later, the game entered the public Alpha stage on March 22, 2020. This time, all players are free to create/log in to their accounts and play the game[36].

On May 22, 2020, a desktop client of TETR.IO was released[37]. Aside from being able to open the game without a web browser, this version also touts increased performance, alongside Discord "Rich Presence" integration and more granular control over VSync.


A quick graphic detailing all of the level tags available in TETR.IO.
  • A player's "level badge" evolves into different shapes and colors every ten levels, starting from level 1.
    • The tetris bot ZZZTOJ hit the level 5000 on October 6, 2023, though there are no visible stats to verify the gold badge.[38]
    • Player STQRM reached level 5000 on October 31, 2024, becoming the first non-bot user to reach level 5000.
  • If the "First To" value is higher than 2 in any given multiplayer Battle Royale with less than eight players, the scoreboard at the top of the screen will match the colors of the seven Tetrominos, displaying each player and their current amount of wins.
  • If the user uses the command "/kagari" in room chat, they will be greeted with a system message, only the user invoking the command can see, which contains "CMD: :kagari:". The same goes for the command "/maho", but with the system message saying "CMD: :maho:" instead.
  • The "WASD" control scheme, one of three choices in the controls config, is a direct mirror of osk's personal controls; the same controls he thought up on the spot in Tetris Friends since he didn't quite like the default controls.
  • Some aspects of TETR.IO's UI design are loosely based off the Bejeweled series. An example of this inspiration involves the Zen mode level up animation, which takes inspiration comes from Bejeweled 2 and Bejeweled 3's similarly named Zen mode. You can even draw comparisons down to the color schemes of the Solo mode selection screen to Bejeweled Twist; a game that also has a red "Blitz", turquoise "Zen", and yellow "Challenge" and "Classic" buttons.
An example of concurrent attacks.
An example of concurrent attacks.
  • The damage number pop-ups that appear when sending or blocking lines resemble the ones from the video game Persona 5, developed by Atlus' P-Studio. Similarly, when chaining multiple line attacks in a row within a short time between attacks, the damage number will increase and become bigger in size. The stronger the line attacks, the bigger the damage number becomes.
    • Previously, the damage numbers were yellow when sending lines, and only displayed each attack's lines sent separately. A yellow spike counter on the left side of the board would also appear when sending 10 or more lines in a short time. As of Alpha 6.1.0, as part of the preparations for the upcoming Character System, the spike counter was removed in favor of the new damage number that fulfills a similar role.
  • It is theoretically possible to clear more than four lines with one piece. This can be done by creating a custom board layout with rows already filled, as line clears are only processed after a piece is dropped. At first, this would simply softlock the game as it tried to find undefined action text. However, starting with Alpha 4.1.0 released on 16th of July, 2020[39], that issue was removed by adding in the following action text for when players clear more than four lines:
Lines cleared Action text
  • Despite these normally impossible actions being recognized through action text, these line clears do not send any lines[note 6] or count for any score. (If you end up testing this yourself, ensure there are no all clear bonuses in play.)
    • In April Fools' 2024, Bombs-style garbage was introduced, allowing you to clear more than four lines in intended gameplay. Bombs-style garbage has since been added as a permanent setting in Custom Rooms.
  • An easter egg exists in the social panel. If you use the search bar to attempt to find someone not in your friends list, you get the message "Couldn't find anyone like that." in place of search results. If you then search for "anyone like that", you will get a different message. This loop continues for quite a bit:
Search query Ingame response
anyone like that Couldn't find anyone with that name.
anyone with that name Couldn't find that person.
that person Couldn't find the specified user.
the specified user Couldn't find anyone in your friends list with that name.
anyone in your friends list with that name Couldn't find who you are looking for.
who you are looking for Couldn't find any user in your friends list who matches the specified search term.
any user in your friends list who matches the specified search term ...
    • At this point, the error icon will switch from an innocent depiction of Kagari to a more judgemental one.
A quick chart showing the various numerals used in Zen mode.
  • Zen levels are accompanied by small symbols in most places. These symbols resolve into custom, expanded roman numerals.
    • When the highest symbol is reached, the sixth 500,000 and onward simply repeats the symbol, breaking the standard. This is unlikely to occur anytime soon, however, as the user BLB attributed with the most Zen levels has yet to break even 20,000.
  • Upon loading the game, TETR.IO runs a fully custom benchmark based on the type of rendering WebGL expects from your computer. The results of this test, known as the Feecof test, are then used to preselect a graphics preset according to the following chart:
Feecof score Graphics preset
Under 300,000 LOW
Above 300,000 and below 600,000 MEDIUM
Above 600,000 HIGH
ABOVE 1,000,000 and with TETR.IO Desktop ULTRA
  • Since TETR.IO's conception, there have been several competitions for increasingly long activities. Here's where those records stand as of the 9th of June, 2022:
    • The longest TETR.IO 40 LINES run currently stands at 2 hours and 40 minutes. It was run by user agar02.[40]
      • Notably, TETR.IO refuses to parse ranked SOLO replays that take over 30 minutes to complete, so this run wasn't officially uploaded to servers, and YouTube/replay files account for the evidence. That said—there's little to no motivating factor to present fake runs of this sort.
    • The longest single persistent play-session was livestreamed over the course of 18 hours by Excadrill on Twitch.[41] This play-session covered over 547 separate "free-for-all" matches, to preserve the drop-in/drop-out "playing with viewers" nature of his usual stream format. Regardless, during this period, no major breaks or periods of inactivity took place, and Excadrill won 114 matches in total.[42]
    • Ever since this statistic has been tracked, the longest explicitly recorded server uptime stands at just over 56½ days, covering the time gap between versions Alpha 6.2.1 and Alpha 6.3.0, although osk believes the real record stands above 2 months.[43]
  • Viewing osk's profile shows that he is based on "The Moon" and has been "Here since the beginning".[44]
    • Since The Moon is not an accessible country to most humans, osk is No. 1 in all of The Moon's country leaderboards.
    • There is a user KAGARI, a character from the anime Rewrite, that similarly lives on The Moon. She is labelled as TETR.IO Co-founder but has zero playtime or activity, other than being gifted Supporter.[45]
  • Each of the Quick Play mods is themed upon a card from the Major Arcana. Many flavor texts allude to their meanings, such as The Emperor being associated with power and authority.[46]
    • Reversed mods are similarly based on tarot reversals, which convey an opposite or darker meaning.
  • Many achievements contain references in their name or description.
    • "Wabi-sabi" is named after a Japanese aesthetic concept.
    • "Snake Eyes" is a term for rolling two ones with a pair of dice.
      • This achievement was previously named "All the Single Lines" which is a reference to a song by Beyoncé.
    • "Mr. Boardwide" is based on "Mr. Worldwide", which is a nickname for the rapper Pitbull that became an internet meme.
    • "Opener Main", "Speed Player" and "Plonk" are all named after community terms for playstyles.
    • "The Grandmaster" is a reference to the Tetris The Grand Master series, which features similar Gravity and invisible modes.
    • The icon of "Rolling the Snowman" resembles the Greek mythology figure Sisyphus rolling the boulder up the mountain.
  • Before the release of the Quick Play rework, a teaser video previously titled "Hall of Beginnings - TETR.IO" was posted. In the background was an encoded message that read "Q P 2.0". The first user to decode this message was UNZENTA.[47]


  1. Specifically, TETR.IO officially supports Chrome 67≤, Firefox 56≤, Edge 79≤, and Opera 66≤
  2. Specifically Desktop V5 and up is supported. If one launches Desktop V4, for instance, they will be met with a screen informing them the current Desktop client version is unsupported alongside links to update, and the game will refuse to load.
  3. Per each linked user's profile "distinguishment" banner.
  4. Dates reflect the user's first appointment to a staff role, and notably do not factor in any hiatus periods.
  5. As game designer only, not a listed staff member [1]
  6. Confirmed through Zen mode's "sendback" garbage option.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 "About TETR.IO/THE TEAM". TETR.IO. October 23, 2022. Archived from the original on October 23, 2022. Retrieved .
  2. "Beta 1.0.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. July 26, 2024. Retrieved .
  3. "Desktop Version History". About TETR.IO. March 9th, 2024. Retrieved .
  4. "Beta 1.0.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. July 26th, 2024. Retrieved .
  5. "Alpha 2.3.2 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. June 2nd, 2020. Retrieved .
  6. "Beta 1.0.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. July 26, 2024. Retrieved .
  7. "Beta 1.5.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. January 18, 2025. Retrieved .
  8. "Alpha 4.2.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. July 30, 2020. Retrieved .
  9. "Alpha 6.1.2 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. October 18, 2021. Retrieved .
  10. "Beta 1.0.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. July 26, 2024. Retrieved .
  11. "Alpha 6.4.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. November 30, 2023. Retrieved .
  12. "Infdev 0.6.0-pre0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. June 2, 2020. Retrieved . "➔ Added 180 spins."
  13. 13.0 13.1 "Alpha 2.0.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. June 2, 2020. Retrieved . "➔ Added the rotation system SRS-X." "➔ This is SRS, except with Nullpomino/Heboris-style 180s."
  14. "Alpha 5.0.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. September 28, 2020. Retrieved . "➔ Added SRS+!"
  15. "Alpha 5.0.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. September 2, 2020. Retrieved . "➔ Introducing the standalone TETRA CHANNEL SITE!"
  16. "Thank you to everyone who played TETR.IO this year! 2021 was an amazing year, and 2022 looks to be very exciting!". X (Twitter). January 1st, 2022. Retrieved .
  17. "TETR.IO has just reached 500,000 TOTAL PLAYERS!!!". X (Twitter). November 3rd, 2020. Retrieved .
  18. "ONE MILLION". osk blog. February 9th, 2021. Retrieved .
  19. "TETR.IO has just reached 1,000,000 players!!!". X (Twitter). February 9th, 2021. Retrieved .
  20. "TETR.IO just reached TWO MILLION players, including anonymous, not even 4 months after hitting 1 million!". X (Twitter). May 31st, 2021. Retrieved .
  21. "TETR.IO just reached 3,000,000 total players!!! 735K of those are registered!". X (Twitter). September 17th, 2021. Retrieved .
  22. "TETR.IO just reached 4 million players! 900K of those are registered!". X (Twitter). December 8th, 2021. Retrieved .
  23. 23.0 23.1 "Alpha 6.1.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. September 28, 2021. Retrieved .
  24. "Vote for the change of the default passthrough mode and removal of passthrough from TETRA LEAGUE". osk "passthrough" subdomain. October 18, 2021. Archived from the original on October 8, 2021. Retrieved .
  25. 25.0 25.1 "Alpha 6.3.3 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. April 11th, 2023. Retrieved .
  26. "this is what was committed, but the garbagecapmax should also be 1, and idk, garbage multiplier was proabbly smth like 99999". Discord. May 8, 2021. Retrieved . [2] -osk on the TETR.IO Discord server
  27. "Infdev 0.7.2-pre0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. June 2, 2020. Retrieved .
  28. "180° spin kicks in ASC". Github. August 26, 2020. Retrieved .
  29. "The handling feels slippery, but my settings are the same as on JSTRIS". TETR.IO Statistics by Tenchi. Retrieved .
  30. "Alpha 6.4.4 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. April 2, 2024. Retrieved .
  31. @tetriogame (December 17, 2023). "Happy holidays from the http://TETR.IO team! Please enjoy the festive spirit added to the game!
    This time, there's something quite special courtesy of @doktorocelot , do turn up the volume!

    Also, Supporter is on sale! Up to 50% off when gifting—makes for a nice gift!"
    (Tweet) – via Twitter.
  32. "TETR.IO Holiday 2023 Original Soundtrack". TETR.IO. December 17, 2023. Retrieved .
  33. "Alpha 6.3.4 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. May 14, 2023. Retrieved .
  34. "The Beginning". TETR.IO patch notes. June 2, 2020. Retrieved .
  35. "TETR.IO is now in INFDEV!". osk blog. January 31, 2020. Archived from the original on February 8, 2020. Retrieved February 8, 2020. "Want to try out TETR.IO? Contact me with your IP and why you would like to try out TETR.IO, and I'll add you to the whitelist!"
  36. "TETR.IO PUBLIC ALPHA RELEASED!". osk blog. March 22, 2020. Retrieved .
  37. "Alpha 3.0.0 Update Log". TETR.IO patch notes. June 2, 2020. Retrieved . "➔ THE OFFICIAL TETR.IO DESKTOP CLIENT IS HERE!"
  38. "zudo on X: "ZZZTOJ just hit level 5000 on tetr.io, becoming the first..."". X (Twitter). October 6, 2023. Retrieved .
  39. "Alpha 4.1.0 Update Log". TETR.IO Patch notes. July 16, 2020. Retrieved .
  40. "[TETR.IO] (WORLD RECORD) Longest 40L sprint in 2:40:00:683". YouTube. May 18, 2022. Retrieved .
  41. Re-uploaded due to Twitch's automatic Video On Demand cleanup: "Exca's 18 hours lobby". YouTube. July 29, 2022. Retrieved .
  42. @RinoZing (July 23, 2022). "After 18 hours and 38 minutes of stream, I got new PB for consecutive FFA lobbies hosted on @tetriogame, my best was 420, now it's 547 (all in a row, not spectating a single one, not topping out)" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
  43. "prob like 2 months ? maybe?". Official TETR.IO Discord server. June 10, 2021. Retrieved .
  44. "osk's user page". Tetra Channel. Retrieved .
  45. "Kagari's user page". Tetra Channel. Retrieved .
  46. "Tarot card reading". Wikipedia. Retrieved .
  47. @deep4amtweets (July 26, 2024). "so glad i can finally congratulate @unzenta for being the first to decode hall of beginnings!! you knocked it outta the park dude
    and to everyone -- please enjoy http://tetr.io beta, and good luck in quick play 2!"
    (Tweet) – via Twitter.

External links